The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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lol, merle will be back haunting daryl....spooky!

Which reminds me, how the heck did I get the 2 scratch on my shoulder from last night? I seem to get these long scratch every few weeks. no matter, if I am not bleeding, I'll live.
There is an added incentive for the group to protect Hershel as he is the only one with any kind of medical training. Had the govenor seen the way Rick's group overtook the prison, he might have second thoughts about marching in there with a bunch of untrained red shirts. Granted fighting walkers is different than humans with guns, but the same kind of tactics make for a better fighting unit. Add Michonne to the mix and it becomes a much more even fight. One has to wonder how much longer zombies/walkers would be a threat in that world. They are probably moving slower because of decay. They are animated corpses. How long can they shuffle around before thier bodies begin to completly break down? Since it appears that the vast majority of the population has already turned there aren't a lot of new walkers moving around. Seems like the only real potential threat they offer is in numbers. If a herd is drawn to the prison by the battle they could break down the fence. The prison seems like an ideal location as they could start a garden in the fenced in area and set up a fairly decent living situation. The only threat that walkers have against that plan is numbers. As the show continues I would anticipate more human on human conflict. They are still coming up with creative ways to kill/rekill? the walkers but that is going to get old eventually.
Zombies have never been a threat as an individual. Zombies have always been a threat because of their large numbers. That's even true in the new Walking Dead Video game. If here is like 1-3 walkers in a room, you act like its no big deal because it isn't. But the you open up door to one of those rooms with 10+ of them, and you freak out because you can't take them all out in that amount of time. Same has been true of the show. When the group took the prison it was a bit different as they had a large group of survivors taking out a large group of the walkers instead of a solo fighter.
Zombies have never been a threat as an individual. Zombies have always been a threat because of their large numbers. That's even true in the new Walking Dead Video game. If here is like 1-3 walkers in a room, you act like its no big deal because it isn't. But the you open up door to one of those rooms with 10+ of them, and you freak out because you can't take them all out in that amount of time. Same has been true of the show. When the group took the prison it was a bit different as they had a large group of survivors taking out a large group of the walkers instead of a solo fighter.

True. The point I was trying to make is that there are only so many ways the walkers can be shown as a legimate threat before the story becomes boring and repetitive. Taking the prison showed a change in the way Rick's group dealt with the walkers. It was an offensive aggression as opposed to the defensive tatics they had shown before (the barn at Hershel's farm being an exception). Now that they know what the walkers limitations are they can manage larger groups of them if they work together.
I didn't care for Dale like I did in the books but Hershel I think is written better on the show than in the comic mainly because they have kind of written him similar to Dale in the books.
Dale couldn't adapt to this world. That was his problem. He had the right ideas, but thy weren't all applicable to the world they live in now. So I can't say I hated Dale, but I don't really miss him all that much either.

Like I said earlier, Merle is the first death on the show that really bummed me out. Had he died the first season on the roof, I couldn't have been happier then. I can't remember doing such a 180 on a character since T-bag on Prison Break. I hated him in the beginning too but he ended up my favorite character by the time that show ended. I personally wouldn't mind Merle popping up from time to time in either flashbacks with Daryl or hallucinations like Daryl had last season (and Rick is having this season). Even though he gone, I can see Daryl still thinking of him often.

I like that idea a lot, I hope Merle comes back as well.
It is kind of sad how Daryl had to lose his brother twice.
Hershel dies, I stop watching :D

Seriously though I don't want them to kill him. Hes a good character.

yea i like hershel a lot as well.

why the hell haven't they got him a segway yet?..........or at least a bad *** 4-wheeler.......:lol
yea i like hershel a lot as well.

why the hell haven't they got him a segway yet?..........or at least a bad *** 4-wheeler.......:lol

or something like this lol

That's what l said last night watching the new episode. The zombies are getting slower and dumber and less of a threat. It's actually starting to get boring and stale to watch. That is because this season isn't about the zombies, it's about clashes between groups, zombies are just part of thier enviroment.

Exactly like the comics. Not only are they decaying after all this time more and more, but the survivors are experts in dispatching them. It would get boring and repetitive if there weren't bad groups running around that every post-apocaylptic scenario would have.
Glad that Dale doesn't appear to anyone. I can see him giving the evil, judgmental eye to Glen & Maggie for ... you know.

Waiting for the end of Season 3 is tough, but the wait for next season is going to suck.
Dale couldn't appear anyway. His death was only done to get him off the show because they fired his friend. There's no story reason behind it.