Uncanny Web-Slinger
Super Freak
Loved his claws being more shiny and curved this time around
Hmm, not sure how to take that?You're right.
Loved his claws being more shiny and curved this time around
I see Ironwez has commandeered your account.GRON UHPS TOO IS FUNNE GUYZ. Sersy is got da part were sandler farts LOL XD XD XD XD an den kevn jams is like 'oH Y U DO DAT' .
thers this hawt gurl. she guna b mah bae soon lol XD
I see Ironwez has commandeered your account.
I'd like to add that I absolutely hate people who use those stupid text faces. Grow the **** up. xD D: :O :/
...and glad to see that this film is doing pretty good. The trailers weren't doing much for me until I saw one in the theater before Pacific Rim. Jackman Wolverine has always been one of my favorite Marvel movie characters.
I don't know why everyone has a problem with the final battle. The film feels very much like a James Bond movie. And like most of the Bond movies, it goes full-retard science fiction in the third act, taking place in a villainous industrial compound.
I don't know why everyone has a problem with the final battle. The film feels very much like a James Bond movie. And like most of the Bond movies, it goes full-retard science fiction in the third act, taking place in a villainous industrial compound.
By most, do you mean 4? You Only Live Twice, Spy Who Loved Me, Moonraker, and the horribly retarded Die Another Day?
The reason why this felt out of place because it was. Nothing in this movie set up for a giant fight with a CGI MECH SUIT MONSTER.