The Wolverine

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No, that's the kitty version of The Prestige. :lecture
Can Wolverine die?

I mean if you take away his healing factor, which in the case of this movie reduced it enough that he could die.

But with his healing factor and adamantium skeleton can he die?

I suppose being thrown into the Sun would melt his skeleton and burn away his brain, but other than that?
Can Wolverine die?

I mean if you take away his healing factor, which in the case of this movie reduced it enough that he could die.

But with his healing factor and adamantium skeleton can he die?

I suppose being thrown into the Sun would melt his skeleton and burn away his brain, but other than that?

Yeah he can't survive nuclear blasts, if you can stop his metabolism he can also die, like freezing him, he can die from starvation or suffocation, there's a blade, I don't remember it's name, that inflicts wounds to Wolverine that he can't heal from, his regeneration slows down with his aging, so the older the weaker.

I'm sure there are plenty other ways.

I was gonna say "Destroying his brain" but then I remembered that was Piccolo :lol

No. Marvel is stupid and made him invincible. Didn't he come back from a single cell? Yessh/

How's that stupid? They still manage to pop out interesting stories, the Hulk & Deadpool have a faster and better regenerative power.
Couldn't Magneto simply crush his skull? Or better yet: put enough dents in his cranium to make him "special". :lol