Uncanny Web-Slinger
Super Freak
If they were do do a sequel what would you like it to feature or be about?
I'd love to see Omega Red as the villain
I'd love to see Omega Red as the villain
If they were do do a sequel what would you like it to feature or be about?
I'd love to see Omega Red as the villain
If they were do do a sequel what would you like it to feature or be about?
I'd love to see Omega Red as the villain
Oh man, I'd kill for an Old Logan movie or one "The best there is" movie, both of course would need to be R rated borderline snuffso I doubt it will happen.
I think i read that they shot this for two versions so the yaction might be different in the unrated cut
If they were do do a sequel what would you like it to feature or be about?
I'd love to see Omega Red as the villain
Longer, unrated, bath scene.
Awesome review.
Jay liked it, Mike, no so much. But the Origins review is hilarious.
Awesome review.
Jay liked it, Mike, no so much. But the Origins review is hilarious.
"Ah Logan... I see... Your... At the airport..."
Also "Cause you turned into ****ing dust"
Love RLM
Yaction? This film had some alright Yakuza action, but I wouldn't call it hardcore Yaktion. I guess we could use more of that too.
Box Office Mojo:
This weekend, The Wolverine passed X-Men: First Class at the foreign box office, where it has so far banked $214.8 million. It will become the highest-grossing X-Men movie ahead of The Last Stand ($225 million) by next weekend, and it still has plenty of money left to earn when it finally expands in to Japan on September 13th.
Box Office Mojo:
This weekend, The Wolverine passed X-Men: First Class at the foreign box office, where it has so far banked $214.8 million. It will become the highest-grossing X-Men movie ahead of The Last Stand ($225 million) by next weekend, and it still has plenty of money left to earn when it finally expands in to Japan on September 13th.
Box Office Mojo:
This weekend, The Wolverine passed X-Men: First Class at the foreign box office, where it has so far banked $214.8 million. It will become the highest-grossing X-Men movie ahead of The Last Stand ($225 million) by next weekend, and it still has plenty of money left to earn when it finally expands in to Japan on September 13th.
Box Office Mojo:
Pacific Rim added $20 million this weekend. Most of that came in China, where the movie dipped 25 percent to $14.6 million. This was enough to get the movie past $100 million there, which makes China the movie's highest-grossing territory ahead of the U.S. Overall, Pacific Rim has grossed $286 million overseas, and it should get past $300 million in the next week or two.
JYE's alter ego is Box Office MojoMan.
Thank you Mr. MojoMan, fewer kittens died in my head today!![]()
I want Kill Bill to be remade with kittens.
Man what I wouldn't do for a 1/4 scale GoGo Yubari with giggling panties and bleeding eyes.