The Wolverine

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Re: Wolverine 2

I'm so glad Fox and Mangold are doing this and not MCU, they'd never take the character in this direction or have the ***** to set the film near entirely in Japan with Spoken Japanease and a near entire Japanese cast.

Sorry, Nova, but you don't know that for sure. You're just speculating.
Re: Wolverine 2

Sorry, Nova, but you don't know that for sure. You're just speculating.

Well it came from the directors mouth, that's not speculation. If you mean my thoughts on MCU, well they've all been set in one country with English (even Asgardians spoke in English rather than subtitkes) as the only language, fairly evident they woudn't take Logan to Japan for a full movie :wave
Re: Wolverine 2

That's not the impotant question.

The important question is, would they make a better movie.

Also a shame he CAN'T fight the hand in this film.
Re: Wolverine 2

Well it came from the directors mouth, that's not speculation. If you mean my thoughts on MCU, well they've all been set in one country with English (even Asgardians spoke in English rather than subtitkes) as the only language, fairly evident they woudn't take Logan to Japan for a full movie :wave

Link please. :)

what the heck is a "subtitkes"? ;)

I just think you're wrong in your assumption. So let's just agree to disagree on this one. :duff
Re: Wolverine 2

Link please. :)
What the heck is a "subtitkes"?

For some reason, often when i'm typing on a touchscreen i'll hit the letter next to the one i want, particularly I & O :lol

My assumption is just that, but they cast bankable or known names quite abit and stick to English almost 100% (even for Gods/Aliens) so it's a fair assumption that they wouldn't take Logan down this road.

So i'm glad Fox has him so we can see Logan in Japan on film, it's gonna be great
Re: Wolverine 2

Re: Wolverine 2

For some reason, often when i'm typing on a touchscreen i'll hit the letter next to the one i want, particularly I & O :lol

My assumption is just that, but they cast bankable or known names quite abit and stick to English almost 100% (even for Gods/Aliens) so it's a fair assumption that they wouldn't take Logan down this road.

So i'm glad Fox has him so we can see Logan in Japan on film, it's gonna be great

It may be a fair assumption but it's still an assumption.

If you have bankable names then more people, who aren't familiar with the MU, will likely go see them because of their star status, IMO.

I would love for Marvel to regain the rights to Wolverine, the FF & Spider-Man so that there could be crossovers/cameos/etc..

Eventually they will get the rights back. :lecture

BTW...Thanks for the link. :duff

Cool pic! :D
Re: Wolverine 2

Crossovers and cameos are okay every once and a while, but the characters always work best on their own. X-Men movies should'nt have cameos from Nick Fury or Black Widow and neither should Spider-Man. So them being with others studios is just as good if not better than what they would be if marvel had them & forced cameos from irrelevant characters.

Was just about to post that :lol

Some more on the plot from the latest issue on Empire...

."We pick up Logan in a very isolated state, full of self-loathing. He is sought out by a young Asian woman for reasons he doesn't fully understand, who is asking him to follow her to Japan where he is meant to reconnect with someone from his past.

"And what you'll come to find is that this is someone he spent prison-time with in Nagasaki. And the legacy of that experience - effectively Logan saved him - is that this man is on his deathbed, and is looking to give him a gift, to thank him for the life he's had.

"But this gift draws Logan into a very complex and very unexpected world within both contemporary Japan and, to some extent, the feudal history of Japan. He's so in isolation, so out of his element. It's a much more powerful distillation of his character than you've seen before."

Love that about the old man thanking Logan, who hasn't aged much, for the life he had due to Logan saving him. :clap

This is sounding to be a very unique Marvel movie
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Re: Wolverine 2

This is actually one series where I would like to see Fox get their ducks in a row and deliver quality films. Mainly, because I believe that a lot of the casting for these films is impeccable (Jackman and Stewart, to name a few), and I know that an MCU takeover would undoubtedly lead to a complete reboot.
Re: Wolverine 2

If Marvel got the rights back and planned an Uncanny X-Men movie series, X-Force series, Cosmic Shi'Ar/Phoenix series and Age of Apocalypse series all in the same continuinty (except the AoA alternate universe) and had X-characters, not unreleated non-X-Men ones, crossover between the films, then that would be perfect. Hell, even if Fox somehow did that it'd be perfect.

The important thing is to keep the current ACU seperate from an XCU until one big crossover when they are both fully developed and then go back to each being seperate like they should be.

Spider-Man movies should be all about Spider-Man, Avenger movies all about Avengers, X-Men all about X-Men, Fantastic Four all about Fantastic Four.

Then have dedicated crossover films to mix them up together, like Avengers did, but keep the solo films being about the title character(s) exclusively, that way if you want to see a Spider-Man movie you don't end up with a Spider-Man & the Thing vs Mr Sinister movie instead of a story about Pete and his supporting characters/villains. Just lookook at the travesty that is the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon. :lol
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Re: Wolverine 2

Crossovers and cameos are okay every once and a while, but the characters always work best on their own. X-Men movies should'nt have cameos from Nick Fury or Black Widow and neither should Spider-Man. So them being with others studios is just as good if not better than what they would be if marvel had them & forced cameos from irrelevant characters.

Again I disagree with you but that's okay. :peace

Just keep in mind that both Wolverine and Spidey are now Avengers in the Marvel Comics Universe.

Love it or hate...that is Marvel canon.

Eventually Disney will take back what now belongs to them. :lecture

I look forward to that day. :wave
Re: Wolverine 2

That shot does look good.

Hope Logan dies in this one and Fassbender takes over as Wolverine.
Re: Wolverine 2


Then Hugh Jackman can play Magneto. :pray:

No. I have a huge vendetta against Huge Jackman, because he's a really good actor, who has charisma. So I think he should be forced to never work again, and be replaced by a lesser actor. :lecture