The Wolverine

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Re: Wolverine 2

They changed it because Huge Jackman isn't there, and people will get confused because of dumb.
Re: Wolverine 2

My favourite is this.


You could take away the text and you'd still know it's Wolverine in Japan. So simple yet brilliant.

Also MUCH prefer the font here, don't know why the changed it :cuckoo:

Now we're talking. :rock

Bad ***.
Re: Wolverine 2


I could so see a 30 year old Keitel in the role.

Incidently i'd love for Jackman to get all prosteticy for an Old Man Logan.


Only hiccup would be the rights stuff, they could switch around some characters, instead of Red Skull have Doc Doom, instead of Hawkeye have another X-Man ect...
Re: Wolverine 2

From a Total Film interview with Ryan Reynolds regarding the Deadpool spinoff

“That movie is alive and kicking, and then it’s dead as a doornail. Then it’s alive and kicking and then it’s dead… it’s like the worst relationship I’ve ever had!”

“The character knows he’s a comic-book character, he knows he’s in a film, he knows who the executives are at the studio making the movie,” Reynolds explained. “In the current iteration of the script, Deadpool is aware of the Wolverine movie. He doesn’t say anything disparaging about it but he does at one point play with the Deadpool action figure with some curiosity.”

I can see why the Studio are undecided what to do. Deadpool is THE hardest character to do right on the big screen.



i could see this costume in a DP movie, with a little more proffessional tailoring
Re: Wolverine 2

I can see why the Studio are undecided what to do. Deadpool is THE hardest character to do right on the big screen.

i could see this costume in a DP movie, with a little more proffessional tailoring

I don't see whats so hard, its all method, thats why so many people can hit him so well in internet stuff like this. In a way hes a Spidey type, very colorful and full of flair. Put the costume out there, put the characters out there and run wild with it.
I agree the costume is fine, again not to run rampant with the Spidey parallels, but Deadpool looks really good in just plain tights with gear added. Both of these guys I think the keep it simple for success motto works best.

And I really hope they go with the Deadpool being aware of the audience and things "outside" his scope of knowledge. I got a chuckle out of the last Deadpool I read where he hit his head on an outside apartment railing and asked "How does Batman make this look so easy?" :lol

Its definitely a part of his charm.
Re: Wolverine 2

I mean the crazy comedy mixed with graphic violence, gettin people to love him even though he's nuts and does messed up stuff like hold and old lady prisoner. as well as breaking the fourth wall.

Getting it right is alot harder than getting it wrong.
Re: Wolverine 2

I saw this poster at a local bus stop this morning and thought "I wonder how many people even know what this is a poster for?"

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Re: Wolverine 2

There is an extended look at the train fight on AICN.

Talkbackers are going nuts over the physics :lol

I can't think of a single superhero movie that sticks to the laws of physics, haters wanna hate :dunno
Re: Wolverine 2


This movie has Logan vs some people without superpowers and is most likely a PG-13, People shouldn't expect hims to slice through them like cheese.

It's sad but i can't imagine any studio doing an R-rated Marvel movie from now on.

It started that way with Blade and Punisher, but as the Marvel sub-genre grew the movies became more kid friendly. and with Avengers hitting over a Billion from family entertainment money, it's just not going to happen again.

Accept it and enjoy whats on offer or pine for whats never going to happen and be miserable. Which sounds more appealing?


More Posters

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Re: Wolverine 2

Couldn't agree more, which is a real bummer because I would LOVE a Deadpool movie more than anything. But an R rated Deadpool movie isn't going to rake in the cash like a PG13 pick any super hero movie will.
Re: Wolverine 2

While the theatrical release of The Wolverine will almost undoubtedly be Rated PG-13, the filmmakers took the time to film both PG13 and R-rated takes of different sequences and dialogue “just in case.” *The stunt team has been always trying to push the rating, but they have sometimes been reigned in by the director.*Some of the crew members told us they were hoping that Fox would be willing to release an R-rated version of the film, at least on home video.*Hugh Jackman says the studio and filmmakers are open to the possibility of an R-rated cut, but most of the people involved think that Christopher Nolan has shown that an R isn’t essential. And while it’s tempting to make it an R-rated movie, he isn’t sure he could do it — Hugh says he has met so many 13 year old fans over the years and that the filmmakers would need to have an incredible reason to exclude all those pre-18 year old fans from the film.

1 is great news

2 Nolan never did any blood or visible stabbings :huh