The Wolverine

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Re: Wolverine 2

Personally, no job would be worth an entire year away from my family. It isn't like he needs the money or the fame. I know some people--him included--sign up for jobs that mean being away from family for long stretches, but for a year (even taking into account periodic visits)? Just as a fun thing to do? Forget it. If Fox wanted him bad enough, they would built sets in Hollywood for their purposes and went other lengths to ensure his involvement. Of course, this was his decision (or it appears to be the case based on this article), but it isn't completely his fault.
Re: Wolverine 2

There isn't enough blame being put on Aronfsky here...

The guy has been flirting with making a comic book movie for a decade... he just doesn't want it enough to sacrifice for it.

Yea he's wanted it for 10 years why would he walk away from a character and actor already tainted by 4 bad movies and the dumbest studio in existance's interferance.
Re: Wolverine 2

____ing horrible news.... HORRIBLE.

This movie had SO much potential. Inspired by a classic story (both written by Frank Miller as a matter of fact), top flight director.... Two things Batman Begins had going for it. Now? Poop.
Re: Wolverine 2

If Japan wasn't in the situation it is in now he would still be attached to the project.

This is 100% based on a nuclear meltdown and everything else going on over there, the hardships involved just to make a freaking movie isn't worth it.

Filming in Japan wasn't all of a sudden a big surprise for him, i'm sure he knew from the beginning.

The disaster changed his mind, smart man for choosing his life and his families life over a movie.
Re: Wolverine 2

If Japan wasn't in the situation it is in now he would still be attached to the project.

This is 100% based on a nuclear meltdown and everything else going on over there, the hardships involved just to make a freaking movie isn't worth it.

Filming in Japan wasn't all of a sudden a big surprise for him, i'm sure he knew from the beginning.

The disaster changed his mind, smart man for choosing his life and his families life over a movie.

I think that really goes without saying and I definitely don't blame anyone for wanting to stay as far away from Japan as possible... It just sucks in a purely fanboy type way.
Re: Wolverine 2

If Japan wasn't in the situation it is in now he would still be attached to the project.

This is 100% based on a nuclear meltdown and everything else going on over there, the hardships involved just to make a freaking movie isn't worth it.

Filming in Japan wasn't all of a sudden a big surprise for him, i'm sure he knew from the beginning.

The disaster changed his mind, smart man for choosing his life and his families life over a movie.

I agree. I am sure that he knew the level of committment going into the project. He very likely doesn't want to go to Japan and doesn't want to say that outright as it might offend people.

On another note, I am wondering if filming the movie in Japan is a wise idea at this point. I could see that insuring crew members could be an issue.
Re: Wolverine 2

I agree. I am sure that he knew the level of committment going into the project. He very likely doesn't want to go to Japan and doesn't want to say that outright as it might offend people.

On another note, I am wondering if filming the movie in Japan is a wise idea at this point. I could see that insuring crew members could be an issue.

Very well said and valid point......

Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if the next Godzilla movie being directed by Gareth Edwards doesn't also get cancelled, I doubt we'll be seeing any movie which involves the destruction of Japan anytime soon.
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Re: Wolverine 2

C'mon FOX and Aronofsky, just build a Japan set in Canada, CGI the rest and make the damn movie already as had been agreed upon and what the fans were expecting.

Who cares if it's really shot in Japan or not :lol
Re: Wolverine 2

If Japan wasn't in the situation it is in now he would still be attached to the project.

This is 100% based on a nuclear meltdown and everything else going on over there, the hardships involved just to make a freaking movie isn't worth it.

Filming in Japan wasn't all of a sudden a big surprise for him, i'm sure he knew from the beginning.

The disaster changed his mind, smart man for choosing his life and his families life over a movie.

I would hope that isn't a possible reason, because if it is then Aronofsky comes off as a coward.
Re: Wolverine 2

I would hope that isn't a possible reason, because if it is then Aronofsky comes off as a coward.

I would rather be considered a coward and be safe with my family than be a brave but dead person, especially since we're talking about making a movie here, where is bravery even required?

The stupid movie can wait while Japan figures out how to avert a major nuclear disaster, bravery is what's needed for this to happen!

What Aronofsky did was use better judgement and common sense.

How could a nuclear disaster not be a good enough possible reason not to travel to a small country where the disaster is taking place just to film a movie.

It is a very justifiable reason, especially if one has a family but even if one doesn't have a family it's still a good enough reason not to go.

Please, call me a coward :lol

I usually respect your opinion Plas but this time I feel you're way off making any kind of sense here :dunno

Have you been drinking :lol
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Re: Wolverine 2

I would rather be considered a coward and be safe with my family than be a brave but dead person, especially since we're talking about making a movie here, where is bravery even required?

And a Wolverine movie at that. If you're making the Citizen Kane of your time, maybe you risk it, but not for this.
Re: Wolverine 2

No jye pal I haven't been drinking. :lol

I should clarify. I highly doubt the current situation in Japan is the reason for Aronofsky's withdrawal from the movie (more realistically it's probably a matter of overbearing studio control vs. the director) It's not like Aronosfky would have been the only person working on The Wolverine to be in Japan shooting. Consider the hundred or so other crew members that will need to be there also. Where's the consideration for them?

Regardless of all that, we don't know where they'll be shooting in Japan. Though the current prognosis for the ___ushima plant incident looks grim, we've hardly reached a point in which a full-scale, nationwide problem is certain. And even if the situation in Japan reaches critical mass, the likeliest alternative for Fox would be to not shoot in Japan at all. They'd put out a press release or something stating as such. It would appear as though Aronofsky was jumping the gun.

As it stands right now, I do wonder if Fox is actually considering this.

Also, he's currently in the midst of a heated custody battle with his ex-wife. He would not want to be out of the country and miss this.
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Re: Wolverine 2

Ahhhh this sucks. I agree, it was because of Japan's situation at the moment. Not because of time spent away from his family. It's too obvious not to be. His choice though.

Pllllleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaasssse Fox get someone capable on this one and not some chump like Ratner. :pray:
Re: Wolverine 2

You do know they probably wouldnt not have filmed it in Japan anyway...right? It was just a place that would've been far away from the US.

It would be pretty expensive to film in Japan.