The Wolverine

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Re: Wolverine 2

I thought origins was a pretty fun movie. It wasn't very good and sort of pointless, but I had a fun time with it. I hope wolverine is less of a _____ in the next one. He's been getting wimpier the last two movies he was in. He was so friggin baddass in the first x-men. cage fighting and drinking beer.

I think the new director will bring it to some pretty dark crazy places. Wolverine could easily be a horror character for christs sake.
Re: Wolverine 2

Hugh Jackman to Wolverine fans: ‘The planets are finally aligned to make a great movie’
Feb. 01, 2011 | 6:38 a.m.
Hugh Jackman got on the phone Monday to talk to our Geoff Boucher about his upcoming projects. Here’s what he had to say about his return to the metal-clawed mutant persona that has been the signature role of his Hollywood career.

Geoff Boucher: I remember coming by your office back in the summer of 2009, and you were already talking about your hopes of making a movie out of Marvel’s 1982 ”Wolverine” miniseries, the classic by Chris Claremont and Frank Miller. And now you’re doing just that — and with director Darren Aronofsky, of all people. You must be thrilled.

Hugh Jackman: I’m really, really pumped about it. I feel like all the planets are finally aligned to make a great movie. We finally have the character and with this mythology — ever since [the 2000 Bryan Singer film] “X-Men,” when I was kind of hanging around and reading all these comics, because I was cast before I ever read any X-Men comics, so I was trying to get my hands on everything. I remember saying to [producer] Lauren Shuler Donner, “Lauren, I don’t know about you, but I’ve seen this Japanese story, and I think it’s so good. It’s just genius, it’s brilliant.” And we kind of always talked about it from there on. I sort of even wanted to do that in the third X-Men movie at first, but we thought, no, we really need to establish who he is at first, and we did that [with "X-Men Origins: Wolverine"], and now this is sort of the cherry on top, to finally do it and have Darren Aronofsky direct it. I love his gung-ho attitude toward it and great vision. Straight off, it’s not a sequel, it’s a stand-alone, and I think we’re going to make one that people will describe as the best of the bunch.

GB: Well, it better be, right? I mean with that revered source material and the director of “Black Swan” and “The Wrestler” — not to mention a script by Christopher McQuarrie, who wrote “The Usual Suspects” – the expectations are going to be pretty high for this one.

HJ: Right, absolutely, and Chris McQuarrie has done a script that is just phenomenal. I read a story once that said that he wrote “The Usual Suspects” in 15 days, and with this one he said to me, “I just knew what I wanted, and it came out real easy.” And he’s done an unbelievable job with it, and with Darren it’s just really exciting. I’m as excited as anybody to see what we come up with. I know we’re going to be met with huge expectations. The expectations will be high, but he’s one of the great filmmakers out there. I worked with him before [on "The Fountain"], and I knew as soon as I met him that he should be doing movies like this. He’s been looking a long time, and I’ve asked him to do other ones, and this time it worked out. I’m beyond thrilled.

GB: Are you going to have to go back to that intense diet, eating whole chickens so you can get that muscle mass back up?

HJ: I’m on it right now, mate, already doing it. It’s 6,000 calories a day, it’s rough.

GB: How much you weighing?

HJ: Right now, I’m at 210.

GB: Wow, so you’re going to be bigger this time? Last time, you looked about, what, 190?

HJ: Yeah, right, I was 190, something like that. I don’t know how much I want to give away about it, but Darren said with the last one, ‘Hey you looked great, but you’re so tall that in those long shots you looked kind of like Clint Eastwood, and that’s not Wolverine.” He said that Wolverine, in the comics, is powerful, stocky, you know, he’s short and thick. So he said, ‘I want you to go there, get bigger.’ He’s going to come down after he gets done with all the black-tie events over and done with.

GB: That’s interesting because in comics, sure, Wolverine is quite short and almost hunched over at times, a sort of feral posture, and he’s bulky up high – he’s like the nasty bulldog of superheroes.

HJ: Yeah, he’s thick and it’s chunky and it’s powerful. I always think of Mike Tyson when he first came on the scene. Sometimes, he was a full foot shorter than his opponents and bent over [with this] massive build. There’s real power. You said bulldog, and that’s it exactly. Exactly. That’s what I’m going for, and if I have a massive heart attack first, well, you tell everyone what I was going for.

GB: Well, if you die that’s not really an issue, they can just use CG these days.

HJ: That’s right, just take the four movies and the Oscars hosting and mix them together and they should have enough.

– Geoff Boucher

I'm really liking what I read here! I really think this could be the best X-Men/Wolverine film yet! I'm certainly looking forward to this!
Re: Wolverine 2

Yet more on what a Wolverine eats:
It's that time again, folks: Hugh Jackman is pumping iron and packing on the pounds to shape up for the next installment of "Wolverine."
But who has he enlisted for help in achieving that rock-solid physique? Why, none other than The Rock.
"I got the diet from Dwayne Johnson, he put on 25 pounds for his last film and I saw him and was like, 'wow' so I called him up and he gave me his exact diet," Jackman told FOX411's Pop Tarts at the Audi Super Bowl celebration at the Audi Forum in Dallas on Friday evening. "I need to put on about 30-40 pounds, I don't know if I can get there but I am up about 15 pounds so far. I'm trying."
Jackman's Johnson-inspired weight gain diet is comprised of 6,000 calories daily, and believe it or not, but its "hard work" to eat so much.
"Basically it's steak or chicken, broccoli and cauliflower, and sometimes rice but only up until lunch time," he explained. "That's it eight times per day. It's like a job in itself."
Re: Wolverine 2

Darren Aronofsky no longer directing The Wolverine

The director says he is "sad," but the 20th Century Fox sequel would have kept him out of the country for too long.

Darren Aronofsky is bowing out of directing 20th Century Fox’s sequel The Wolverine, saying the project would keep him out of the country for too long.

Fox and Hugh Jackman - who is set to return in the title role - said they remain fully committed to making Wolverine and will move aggressively to find a new director.

Fox hadn’t yet greenlit the sequel. A significant portion of the movie will be shot overseas (there had been plans to shoot in Japan).

"As I talked more about the film with my collaborators at Fox, who have been totally supportive throughout my work on the movie, it became clear that the production of The Wolverine would keep me out of the country for almost a year,” Aronofsky said in a joint statement with Fox.

“I was not comfortable being away from my family for that length of time. I am sad that I won't be able to see the project through, as it is a terrific script and I was very much looking forward to working with my friend, Hugh Jackman, again,” he continued.

Stated Fox: “While we are of course disappointed that Darren can’t do The Wolverine, we also understand and respect his reasons. Having done both The Wrestler and Black Swan with Darren, we know he is an extraordinary talent and we look forward to working with him on other projects in the future. Hugh Jackman and Fox both remain fully committed to making The Wolverine. We will regroup and move forward aggressively.”

Aronofsky’s production company Protozoa has first-look deal with Fox.

Christopher McQuarrie is writing Wolverine. Movie doesn’t have a release date yet.
Re: Wolverine 2

In other words there will never be a good Wolverine movie.

Marvel has now ____ed up with

losing Norton
losing Favreau
losing Aronofsky

Marvel is right back to sucking big time ass.
Re: Wolverine 2


Re: Wolverine 2

In other words there will never be a good Wolverine movie.

Marvel has now ____ed up with

losing Norton
losing Favreau
losing Aronofsky

Marvel is right back to sucking big time ass.
But in fairness, this is Fox not Marvel Studios. Fox has ____ed up in many more important ways much more often than Marvel Studios, IMO, though neither doing something stupid shocks me.

Bummer. I was at least hoping that this film might have some substance (even if it wasn't my kind of substance--as Aronofsky's films often are not), and now the chances of that decrease. But who knows? Maybe they'll get another talented guy to replace him and it won't be Brett Ratner or the guy from Barber Shop, etc.
Re: Wolverine 2

But in fairness, this is Fox not Marvel Studios. Fox has ____ed up in many more important ways much more often than Marvel Studios, IMO, though neither doing something stupid shocks me.

Bummer. I was at least hoping that this film might have some substance (even if it wasn't my kind of substance--as Aronofsky's films often are not), and now the chances of that decrease. But who knows? Maybe they'll get another talented guy to replace him and it won't be Brett Ratner or the guy from Barber Shop, etc.

Doesn't matter it's Marvel's property, I give them equal blame for selling it to begin with. And Marvel Studios is making equally ____ty decisions, replacing Norton with Ruffalowhogivesa____, Favreau, and hiring special needs directors like Joe Johnston.
Re: Wolverine 2

Aranofsky seems like a big cry baby...being away from your family for a year. Dude, its part of your job, your family can visit you with a 12 hour flight.

Also about Favreau, besides Iron Man 1, what other movie was that good that he made? Iron man 2 was at best mehh. The scene with Tony drunk at his party equates to Symbiote Peter dancing in the bar in Spiderman 3. Both very hard scene to watch.
Re: Wolverine 2

Well... he was drunk...

I guess Peter also has the same excuse... he was drunk.. ON POWAH!
Re: Wolverine 2

It's not about being away from his family, it's plainly obvious that he just doesn't want to be in Japan for the filming of the movie and why would he want his family there anyways with everything that's going on, can't blame him.

Would you go to Japan right now and risk your life just to film a stupid movie?
Re: Wolverine 2

There isn't enough blame being put on Aronfsky here...

The guy has been flirting with making a comic book movie for a decade... he just doesn't want it enough to sacrifice for it.