The Wolverine

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Re: Wolverine 2

May not be a surprise to some, but it was finally confirmed.

Silver Samurai will be the new nemesis in the Wolverine sequel.


During the Real Steel truck event at the San Diego Comic-Con earlier today, Hugh Jackman confirmed who the villain will be for The Wolverine.

He told the crowd that filming is scheduled to start in October and that "Chris McQuarrie has written a fantastic script." He added that he will fight the Silver Samurai in the new film and "that should be exciting."

As we've previously reported, Jackman said that most of the filming will take place in Japan.

A new director for the film has not been announced and 20th Century Fox has not set a release date yet.
Re: Wolverine 2

I'm all for this movie being made. I'm one of the minority of people that didn't completely hate the first movie. Hopefully they can get everything in order for this one and make it competitive to the other Marvel movies out.
Re: Wolverine 2

I didn't hate Origins, Hugh's portrayal of Wolverine/Logan is always great, which is probably why I didn't mind the movie so much, however I know the first was not near the same quality as Marvels recent releases, Thor, Iron Man, Captain America, I'm actually surprised to see them doing the Japan story (one of the best Wolverine stories IMO) and I hope it delivers Wolverine always was my favorite super hero, and after seeing all these new GREAT super hero movies, I know they can give Wolverine a movie that is just as great, if not better!
Re: Wolverine 2

oh wait...FOX owns Wolverine huh...
Re: Wolverine 2

FOX made First Class.. which imo was the best of the lot this year. I have faith in em to make this one great. :pray:

Plus a new Hot Toys Wolvie with a better Jackman likeness is much needed. :rock
Re: Wolverine 2

ahhh I know they made First Class (I didnt like it, crazy :lol ) but I do REALLY hope they hit this one out of the park!
Re: Wolverine 2

I'm in the 'I don't really want to see a true-to-the-comics Wolverine suit on-screen' boat. I was happy with the last one (aside for the 'Deadpool chimera'.) I think Jackman does a fine job as Logan, and the suit I just don't feel is necessary. If they can pull it off, great. But, I don't know if I'm wanting them to take that risk.
Re: Wolverine 2

Jackman is great Wolverine/Logan! You're right, the suit isn't a necessity, I just think it would be cool, especially if they include the Yashida clan in this.