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Remember when KANE wore a mask and was scary as hell...Now he is playing a trumpet with Santino....How times have changed :)

We need a few scary villains.
"Homeless Power Ranger." :rotfl

Listen to the crowd back The Rock tonight. I haven't heard a "Cena sucks" chant that loud in a while.

Then again, the crowd erupts when Cena's entrance music starts up.

Can't wait for WM! This is going to be good.
:rock :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock

Rock screwed up his kip up tonight. LOL. Curious to see how WM turns out. The HHH/Undertaker thing tonight made me think HHH actually has a shot! I didn't think anything that would happen could do that, but the way it ended with HBK looking all mousy and walking away, and UT looking as confident as he ever has. . .in any other situation after that, I would bet on HHH to win.
I like HHH but I will be seriously pissed if he wins at WM. Watchin UT win is really the only thing that has interesed me when it come to WM in the last few years.
Terry Funk can't stand sissies, IMO.

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mmmm Trish Stratus is gonna be in Wrestle Mania. Is it just me or is the production and the fan response what makes this thing? I mean I could careless about the actual wrestlers. I just love how much the WWE universe eats this stuff up and is so passionate. It's very infectious.