The WWE Thread

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Again, I haven't watched wrestling in years, so I'm missing some context, but if that was the ending to a WM main event championship match I was watching, I would have been *PISSED*
Thinking about getting this. WWE shop just put up a bunch of new tees.

Again, I haven't watched wrestling in years, so I'm missing some context, but if that was the ending to a WM main event championship match I was watching, I would have been *PISSED*

I agree with you to a certain extent. (Maybe not upset, but disappointed. Same point though. :lol)

I didn't order it this year, and I still wish I would have in some ways, but the impression I got is that it could have been a lot better. Last year's WM I still say was the best I've seen in years
I haven't seen a WM since I saw the one in Houston live. Can't justify what you get for what you pay for.

Very interesting ending that I didn't foresee. The ending was better than a double count-out (and from JR's talk, I guess the match was a count-outs allowed but no DQ??? How weird), but didn't feel dramatic enough. You can have interference endings, but this seemed like something you would have seen on a RAW, not WM. I mean, if Austin appeared out of nowhere and did that, it would have been better, because it would have been unexpected. I didn't expect Rock to do it either, but only because it. . .well, feels like the ending to a RAW episode.

Oh, well. I guess Rock is back for an extended stay. And I guess that is good.
I didn't order it either. I felt satisfied with just watching that ending clip.

$50 is too crazy for me.

I'll admit that takes some wind out of my sales, especially when I was getting WWE updates on FB as the matches were ending (or shortly after.)

I've got RAW to comfort me tonight. I'll soon forget my disappointment! :lol

Anyone else excited about Tough Enough coming back!?!?
Another weird thing to me is that, I'm guessing Rock is going to have at least one match with Cena. And if so. . .seems like that really should have happened yesterday, not at an "In Your House" type thing or Summer Slam. Maybe Miz knows where the bodies are buried?
I never caught the first one. Was it pretty good?

I really liked it, especially the first few seasons. Nothing ground breaking of course, but still fun to watch. It was on MTV some years ago (and UPN.) Al Snow was the coach for most of the seasons and of course, he had help from Tazz, Tori, etc. etc. (a bunch of WWE stars basically.)

I know the Miz was a finalist in the last season, so it's nice seeing the talent like that from the beginning, looking back on it all.

And it blows the doors off of NXT, IMO. (I was not a big fan of that.)
I disagree. NXT at least had one or two genuinely talented wrestlers that provided some entertainment. Miz took a LOOOOONG time to get where he is now. NXT had seasoned talent like Danielson and Low Ki. I never cared much for Tough E Nuff (or however it is spelled). Seems like Hugh Morris was a coach on a previous season, as well.

I did enjoy one scene where the guy who became Boogeyman was called out for lying about his age. :lol
I disagree. NXT at least had one or two genuinely talented wrestlers that provided some entertainment. Miz took a LOOOOONG time to get where he is now. NXT had seasoned talent like Danielson and Low Ki. I never cared much for Tough E Nuff (or however it is spelled). Seems like Hugh Morris was a coach on a previous season, as well.

I did enjoy one scene where the guy who became Boogeyman was called out for lying about his age. :lol

NXT definitely had talent (like Barrett), so I don't dispute that. But NXT felt more scripted to me, and less reality, "survivor-ish" vibe (which is more of my thing.) I felt it was just as much about the WWE coaches it was the contestants. I didn't get that feeling with the old Tough Enough. It was more reality-like. It may change though with this new season.
I agree that Tough Enough was more of a genuine reality show. I guess I just don't like genuine reality shows and prefer a more scripted version with my rasslin :D
I agree that Tough Enough was more of a genuine reality show. I guess I just don't like genuine reality shows and prefer a more scripted version with my rasslin :D

I don't really have a leg to stand on because I love a scripted show like RAW, but still....:lol

I just like Tough Enough because it deviated a little more from the Ring.

I'm glad Stone Cold is hosting/coaching. I hope it's good!
Man, it's nice seeing Ross back in the booth, even though it was for a short time tonight.
Yeah, it's kind of bull-____ that they bring him back for a couple matches then have lame-ass Michael Cole run him off again (I'm sure he's gone for a year or two now). McMahon has screwed around with JR so much over the years though, that it doesn't surprise me at all. I never minded Cole, but he's never been anything special to me. They sure do treat him like he and King are the only indispensable commodities behind the mike, though.

I would actually love to see Tony Schiavone come to WWE, though my understanding is that there is no love between he and Vince. Hell, JBL was pretty damn good, but I'm sure he's got more important things to do with his time nowadays. This Josh guy is LAME, and Booker T is a superficial color commentator a la Taz or Lawler. Forgettable and easily replaceable by another former wrestler at any point IMO (though I guess kids who grew up listening to Lawler and his "PUPPIES!" talk would probably miss him if he left).

Really makes you miss guys like Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse Ventura when you think about it.
Yeah, it's kind of bull-____ that they bring him back for a couple matches then have lame-ass Michael Cole run him off again (I'm sure he's gone for a year or two now). McMahon has screwed around with JR so much over the years though, that it doesn't surprise me at all. I never minded Cole, but he's never been anything special to me. They sure do treat him like he and King are the only indispensable commodities behind the mike, though.

I would actually love to see Tony Schiavone come to WWE, though my understanding is that there is no love between he and Vince. Hell, JBL was pretty damn good, but I'm sure he's got more important things to do with his time nowadays. This Josh guy is LAME, and Booker T is a superficial color commentator a la Taz or Lawler. Forgettable and easily replaceable by another former wrestler at any point IMO (though I guess kids who grew up listening to Lawler and his "PUPPIES!" talk would probably miss him if he left).

Really makes you miss guys like Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse Ventura when you think about it.

I got a good chuckle tonight when Michael Cole first came out and started talking smack to King. Then, the King said something to the effect of "Can you believe this, JR?" And JR is just sitting there cleaning his glasses and shaking his head. It was random, but it about summed up Michael Cole's non-sense for me. I guess he's doing his job, by getting the crowd involved with the chants of hatred, etc. etc. But I thought the sauce was a little much in this case. It's JR. The guy is a legend in the WWE Universe and has been through it all. I could have done without the sauce....:dunno

And in other news, WrestleMania comes to Miami next year! :yess: Hopefully, I'll be able to attend!
Yeah, it's kind of bull-____ that they bring him back for a couple matches then have lame-ass Michael Cole run him off again (I'm sure he's gone for a year or two now). McMahon has screwed around with JR so much over the years though, that it doesn't surprise me at all. I never minded Cole, but he's never been anything special to me. They sure do treat him like he and King are the only indispensable commodities behind the mike, though.

I would actually love to see Tony Schiavone come to WWE, though my understanding is that there is no love between he and Vince. Hell, JBL was pretty damn good, but I'm sure he's got more important things to do with his time nowadays. This Josh guy is LAME, and Booker T is a superficial color commentator a la Taz or Lawler. Forgettable and easily replaceable by another former wrestler at any point IMO (though I guess kids who grew up listening to Lawler and his "PUPPIES!" talk would probably miss him if he left).

Really makes you miss guys like Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse Ventura when you think about it.

When I was a kid Monsoon/Ventura was THE announce team. Anything else to me was just beneath that pairing. Later on I grew to love Monsoon and Heenan since they played off each other so well.

I hated Lawler at first, but over the years he's grown on me quite a bit. The big difference for him is once they finally paired him with a competent announcer like JR rather than Vince.
McMahon never misses an opportunity to publicly humiliate JR. No idea what his issue is, but he really seems to enjoy making him squirm.

I also loved the Monsoon/Heenan team on Prime Time Wrestling, of course (still do).