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WM26 was the time where HHH wore a shed load of fake tan and against Sheamus who is the whitest person i have ever seen HHH looked an even brighter shade of orange, so i called them Super White and Super Orange.

Ronald McDonald vs Snooki
WM26 was the time where HHH wore a shed load of fake tan and against Sheamus who is the whitest person i have ever seen HHH looked an even brighter shade of orange, so i called them Super White and Super Orange.

:rotfl That is hilarious. I'm gonna have to google up me some pics...
And Drew Carey in the WWE Hall of Fame....ugh! :lol

No body more deserving of either spot than those two.... :slap

Drew Carey in the HOF is a joke, but then again Vince Sr.'s chauffeur is too, while guys like Savage and Sammartino are outside. I've come to accept it as Vince's play thing.
Decent RAW tonight. Say what you will about Snooki...she did a decent job out there. Even better than her Jersey Shore counterparts on TNA programming.

Speaking of TNA, anybody see the Jeff Hardy vs Sting match from Sundays PPV. Proof that TNA is in the toilet. Hardy is clearly on something in this match. Fans were chanting BULL____ after the match. Sting looked pissed and said "I agree, I agree." The ref threw up the X sign about 2:53 into the video to signal something was wrong. The main event match was only 1 minute and 28 seconds long:

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I agree with you 100% about the TNA Angelina stuff. That only reason why i stopped when channel surfing was because I saw her. It was total garbage. I wouldn't mind a Snookie vs. Angelina match though.
I agree with you 100% about the TNA Angelina stuff. That only reason why i stopped when channel surfing was because I saw her. It was total garbage. I wouldn't mind a Snookie vs. Angelina match though.

The thing I liked about Snooki is that she actually sold what she was doing. I'm sure Trish, Vickie, Layla, & McCool had a huge hand in helping her out...but it goes a long way.
The thing I liked about Snooki is that she actually sold what she was doing. I'm sure Trish, Vickie, Layla, & McCool had a huge hand in helping her out...but it goes a long way.

True. We'll have to see how they go about building it any further. In the end if Snooki helps generate more buys for WM is what's most important to WWE.

As for Sting, it's too bad that this is how his career is going to wind down. I would have liked to see him have one run in the WWE before hanging them up.
Decent RAW tonight. Say what you will about Snooki...she did a decent job out there. Even better than her Jersey Shore counterparts on TNA programming.

Speaking of TNA, anybody see the Jeff Hardy vs Sting match from Sundays PPV. Proof that TNA is in the toilet. Hardy is clearly on something in this match. Fans were chanting BULL____ after the match. Sting looked pissed and said "I agree, I agree." The ref threw up the X sign about 2:53 into the video to signal something was wrong. The main event match was only 1 minute and 28 seconds long:

TNA use Hardy because he is or was one of the most popular stars of the past few years and i find it unbelivable that TNA, despite Hardys issues and impending court case are still proud or money grabbing enough to reward acting like a pr*ck with their main title. For all WWE's faults if he pulled that once on a show he would of been out on his backside faster than that 'PPV main event'. TNA should of done something to cover that rather than let that end the show, its just bad buisness and forethought.
Just Twittered by Charlie Sheen to Jeff Hardy...


And WWE would probably only take A J Stlyes, only to squash him and make him look like shat.
Just Twittered by Charlie Sheen to Jeff Hardy...


And WWE would probably only take A J Stlyes, only to squash him and make him look like shat.

Wouldnt be too suprised if Jeff's on the "Tiger Blood" too :p

As for A J, he has ALOT of potential..its just a shame TNA has sidelined him for so Bischoff, Hogan and Flair (I cant believe I can put them in the same sentence) can expand thier ego's even more.
TNA used to be about innovation, being the other product that gave viewers something different to watch that WWE wasn't offering or doing. X-Division for example was TNAs big selling point because WWE had disbanded the cruiserweights and toned down high risk spots, TNA gave people fast-paced exciting new matches and won big from it. TNA are now so focused on trying to beat WWE and make to force Vince to regard them as true competition that they have totally forgotton what made them good in the first place, WWE will not regard them as a threat no matter what TNA try to do, its like a child begging for attention and getting none no matter how loud they wail or cry. TNA should ditch the has-beens and people who have had the lime-light and refocus on being a product of individuality again and give people a REAL alternative.