The WWE Thread

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You need to all back off and leave the Shockmaster alone. He was so bad-ass, that he just walked it off and finished his promo like the professional that he was.
Here's hoping that Michelle chick gets the boot tonight.

She reminds me of the _____ from even stevens. :lol

I didn't know until this morning that she's the wife of Jonny Fairplay of Survivor fame or that she's appeared on WWE TV before.

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She is fugly. Cena is also supposed to be making an appearance tonight,

Give em both the stone cold stunner. :lecture

Would be awesome, if even though it is a reality show, Austin would stun people and they would react as if he was doing it to them on Raw.


I like this idea!

I didn't know about Michelle and her past in the WWE. Good find. I'm not really sure who I want to go home next. I hope Eric(?) steps it up a notch. So much potential. If not, I don't think he'll last much longer.
Eric, making the dog challenge look easy. :rock Good for him. (He's big enough that he should have, but nonetheless, he needed it.)

Jeremiah did awesome as well. Run it out!
I can see Luke winning Tough Enough. Not crazy about any of the contestants tough.
Matt eliminated. Hate to see him go, but that's the bottom line 'cause Stone Cold says so!
It was mentioned a little last week, but geez, Sin Cara running into that ring, up and over the top rope, scares me a little. One of these days he ain't gonna make it. Mark my words. :lol
It was mentioned a little last week, but geez, Sin Cara running into that ring, up and over the top rope, scares me a little. One of these days he ain't gonna make it. Mark my words. :lol

It almost looked like he got spooked by the pyro going off at the same time. Maybe it's time to retire the entrance.
It almost looked like he got spooked by the pyro going off at the same time. Maybe it's time to retire the entrance.

He definitely needs something new. That's for sure. :lol He got the talent to do all of that crazy stuff, but still one false move and he's gonna face plant. He fell off the top turnbuckle tonight and outside of the ring. He landed on his feet, but still, it definitely wasn't planned. He's got AMAZNING moves though. Fresh stuff.
I'm shocked by Edge's announcement. Totally blindsided me. Didn't know about his injury at all. I hope the WWE is able to keep him part of the show somehow. Obviously, not in the ring, but maybe as an announcer or something. I'm going miss his talent and persona in the ring for sure.
I knew he was seriously injured previously, but also assumed he would be around for years to come. You never know with wrestlers (I never thought HBK would come back after WM 14, but he did of course), but doesn't sound good. Edge was a good one.
I knew he was seriously injured previously, but also assumed he would be around for years to come. You never know with wrestlers (I never thought HBK would come back after WM 14, but he did of course), but doesn't sound good. Edge was a good one.

I vaguely remember the neck brace he wore way back when, now that I think of it. I can't remember if it was a year ago or five years ago. I just remember him wearing it. I just never realized the extent of it.

A great wrestler indeed.