The X-Files Re-Opened: New Seasons From FOX (Season 11 Coming Soon)

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Re: The Truth May Still Be Out There! The X-Files potentially back!

Where are you reading negative reviews?

I'm not sure what people were expecting, so far I feel both episodes are as good as some of the best stuff out of the first 9 seasons, I wouldn't say either jumps right up to my top 10 list or anything, but I'd definitely be excited to watch, i actually wanted to watch last night's again, started to but fell asleep during the opening theme.

I am slightly thrown off but the use of newer camera techniques and things, but that's sort of to be expected with all the time that's passed since even the last movie, and Gillian and David sounding and looking older feels "off", but everyone is in character, the office scene with Skinner was very typical. Things feel superficially different from the show and movies, but the tone of the story, the music and the characters are all just as we left them.
Re: The Truth May Still Be Out There! The X-Files potentially back!

I haven't seen the new episodes yet as they don't air until Febuary in the UK.

Has anyone brought the The X-Files Blu Ray box-set? Damn, it's amazing.
I feel as if I'm watching a new show from 2016, definitely more enjoyable.
Re: The Truth May Still Be Out There! The X-Files potentially back!

Episode two felt like another episode from the 90's show. :) Molder and Scully are still the worst FBI agents of all time when it comes to solving cases and finding evidence :lol
Re: The Truth May Still Be Out There! The X-Files potentially back!

Where are you reading negative reviews?

I'm not sure what people were expecting, so far I feel both episodes are as good as some of the best stuff out of the first 9 seasons, I wouldn't say either jumps right up to my top 10 list or anything, but I'd definitely be excited to watch, i actually wanted to watch last night's again, started to but fell asleep during the opening theme.

I am slightly thrown off but the use of newer camera techniques and things, but that's sort of to be expected with all the time that's passed since even the last movie, and Gillian and David sounding and looking older feels "off", but everyone is in character, the office scene with Skinner was very typical. Things feel superficially different from the show and movies, but the tone of the story, the music and the characters are all just as we left them.

I followed a link to AICN. They had a roundup of reviews from different outlets that were, at least from the blurbs they posted, unanimously negative.

Hitfix says:

… The premiere's a disaster on almost every level, other than maybe the obvious pleasure Anderson takes in stepping back into character as Scully. Duchovny seems as bored as he was for most of the later seasons, but it's hard to blame him for not investing in a script this clunky. …

Time says:

… 2016 may be the worst possible time to attempt a reboot of a series whose point of view was that conspiracy theories are, above all else, fun. ... the show’s mysteries lack the spark they once had. …

The New York Times says:

... We’ve seen three of the six episodes, and people want the truth first: Are they any good? Not at first, not at all. The first episode is called “My Struggle,” which aptly describes the experience of sitting through it. It lumbers. It plods. The actors chew sawdusty mouthfuls of expository dialogue. …

The Los Angeles Times says:

… The first episode ... collapses into poorly motivated, out-of-nowhere speechifying, accompanied by stock footage of old puzzling phenomena. … Fortunately the other two episodes push the right buttons …

The Washington Post says:

... After a skittery and slightly tedious start, which is heavy on Carter’s need to keep infusing Mulder and Scully’s world with a convoluted master theory, “The X-Files” settles in and starts to relocate some of its creepy vibe and playfulness. …

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette says:

... reminds viewers that for all the aliens and conspiracy theories, this was one exposition-heavy, talky TV show. But for fans, it’s still fun to be back in this world …

The Boston Globe says:

... The look of the new “X-Files” may be familiar, but as a whole, it feels rote and unintentionally dreary. …

USA Today says:

... so strained and disjointed, it almost plays like a parody. … nothing shakes the depressing sense that time has passed the series and the characters by. …

The Hollywood Reporter says:

... It’s not very good. … The problem with reopening The X-Files is two-fold. First, the actors, not their characters, don’t seem to have their hearts in it. (That probably wasn’t the intention, but it’s the perceived result.) And, second, Carter’s dialogue is prone to exposition (again, partly the result of only having six episodes to work with) and overheated soliloquies. How that combination sucks the life out of this whole enterprise can’t be underscored enough. …

Variety says:

... Given the “Phantom Menace”-level dialogue in the “X-Files” season premiere, which supplies action, exposition and explosions instead of intelligent meditations on the surveillance state or any other relevant topic, it might be time for Carter to bestow “The X-Files” on some of the men and women who grew up idolizing its finest episodes and arcs. A new corps of writers might know how to come up with something more politically and emotionally resonant than the kinds of stories that, in the new season, often amount to Mulder and Scully Mad Libs. …
Re: The Truth May Still Be Out There! The X-Files potentially back!

If those critics were members here they would have been banned :lol
Re: The Truth May Still Be Out There! The X-Files potentially back!

It was said all along that this series was for fans, I don't think anyone cares what critics think if the fans love it, and so far, I am, I am very glad they did this. Watched episode 2 again tonight, I'll admit there's something about Duchovny's acting, but from what little I saw of Aquarius, I don't think it's X-Files so much as his age. It's only 6 episodes, if he really didn't want to be a part I doubt he'd have done it, he's got options.
Re: The Truth May Still Be Out There! The X-Files potentially back!

In case anybody missed my post before that, I don't want to seem like the bitter bummer boy here. I was just posting that because MF asked. I couldn't disagree more with those quotes. I missed the premiere on Sunday so I watched the recording last night and immediately followed it with the new episode and I couldn't be happier. And I was pretty disappointed, plot-wise, with the last movie. So I'm not just fangirling. I think they've recaptured a ton of what made the show fun in the first place.
Re: The Truth May Still Be Out There! The X-Files potentially back!

Duchovny has always been bad lol. always. (keanu reeves syndrome)
Re: The Truth May Still Be Out There! The X-Files potentially back!

I haven't seen the new episodes yet as they don't air until Febuary in the UK.

Has anyone brought the The X-Files Blu Ray box-set? Damn, it's amazing.
I feel as if I'm watching a new show from 2016, definitely more enjoyable.

Same here....

Most likely, ep 1 will air in France when ep 6 airs in the US...

And I don't know if I'll watch or wait for the BD release because just like you, I'm amazed at the quality of the box set. Totally worth the investment!
Re: The Truth May Still Be Out There! The X-Files potentially back!

Just watched the two new eps, after watching the whole series over the past 7 weeks. I feel like the new eps were pretty decent...although I do wish that Mulder was a little more enthusiastic. After all this time not really doing anything, you'd think being back at the FBI and investigating crazy paranormal cases would generate some excitement in him. Plus, it's not like Duchovny's suing anyone this time :lol
Re: The Truth May Still Be Out There! The X-Files potentially back!

I don't think either of them should be enthusiastic and the first episode established that, Mulder has a better understanding of the conspiracy and now sees it as darker and more sinister than it ever seemed to him. I think they're emotionally in the right place lies upon lies fed to them, losses, questions around their entire lives, I think this point in their lives is the darkest the world has ever felt for them. They're not back like oh hey come investigate, they're back with an agenda, even the monster of the week episodes still seem overall tied to the conspiracy, they're on a mission to find out what the plans of the shadow government are.
Re: The Truth May Still Be Out There! The X-Files potentially back!

I don't think either of them should be enthusiastic and the first episode established that, Mulder has a better understanding of the conspiracy and now sees it as darker and more sinister than it ever seemed to him. I think they're emotionally in the right place lies upon lies fed to them, losses, questions around their entire lives, I think this point in their lives is the darkest the world has ever felt for them. They're not back like oh hey come investigate, they're back with an agenda, even the monster of the week episodes still seem overall tied to the conspiracy, they're on a mission to find out what the plans of the shadow government are.

:exactly: It's not like Mulder & Scully are just hanging out at the Malt shop with the Scooby gang and cruising around in the Mystery Machine.:lol
I'm really liking the feel of Season 10 so far, especially after having to follow the not so good 2nd X-Files movie. I think next week will continue to rebuild the classic chemistry between Mulder & Scully. It sounds like it's gonna be one of those quirky episodes (which I always enjoyed to lighten things up every so often) called "Mulder & Scully Meet The Were-monster":yess:
Re: The Truth May Still Be Out There! The X-Files potentially back!

I feel like some critics and fans are looking for an early series feel and almost forget the evolution of the lives of these characters.

Scully was abducted and left unable to have a child for a long time, then struck with cancer, then blessed with a child only to have him threated constantly and needing to send him off to hiding, plus having her sister murdered.

Mulder lost his sister, had his father murdered, almost lost Scully on multiple occasions, was abducted and tortured, forced into hiding for months, put on trial and nearly killed, forced in exile.

If anything, by this point, neither of them should have a will to do anything but try to find some joy in life again. It's what makes Mulder who he is to pursue even after so much loss, but as he suffers over the course of the series, we see what it does.

And think about where this story picks up, I believe they ended up split no longer after the events of the last movie, they've definitely been split up quite some time.

You can't just expect that having them back at the FBI and with badges means old times. I think what we're seeing in the season is not a failure from the creators and actors but what it should look like at this stage in life for them, maybe some people just cling too much to the past. It's like accepting an older Rocky or Rambo or Terminator, can you embrace that change or are you stuck on what they were in their prime.
Re: The Truth May Still Be Out There! The X-Files potentially back!

Real Life Mulder :lol

Re: The Truth May Still Be Out There! The X-Files potentially back!

Re: The Truth May Still Be Out There! The X-Files potentially back!

Duchovny could not seem less interested. It's like he's not even trying.

Thought both episodes were disappointing. Nothing thrilling, exciting or even interesting. Best thing about this so far is seeing the opening theme and Gillian Anderson acting circles around everyone again.
Re: The Truth May Still Be Out There! The X-Files potentially back!

Duchovny could not seem less interested. It's like he's not even trying.

Thought both episodes were disappointing. Nothing thrilling, exciting or even interesting. Best thing about this so far is seeing the opening theme and Gillian Anderson acting circles around everyone again.

that's why I find it weird that he wants the show to come back so badly... out of everyone involved he is the one that is begging for it to come back the most.

But all the reviews seem to point out that he was sleep walking through the episodes
Re: The Truth May Still Be Out There! The X-Files potentially back!

Last thing I read from him about the show is that he didn't want it to last more than six episodes. Or his role at least. Something about him and Anderson being "too old" to spend that much time on the show. :dunno