The X-Files Re-Opened: New Seasons From FOX (Season 11 Coming Soon)

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Re: The Truth May Still Be Out There! The X-Files potentially back!

I liked both episodes and am looking forward to the rest. I don't think it will go beyond the 6 though.
Re: The Truth May Still Be Out There! The X-Files potentially back!

I never thought we'd get another shot at the X-Files so I'm thankful for season 10. If they don't do another season, I wouldn't mind if they did a 3 episode mini-series or even a 2 hour TV movie every so often.
Re: The Truth May Still Be Out There! The X-Files potentially back!

Tonight's episode was better than than the last one, imo. Pretty good monster episode. I also liked Mulder's ringtone :lol
Re: The Truth May Still Be Out There! The X-Files potentially back!

That one went right into the Top 5 all time. One of the funniest episodes of anything I've seen on tv. Well done.
Re: The Truth May Still Be Out There! The X-Files potentially back!

Have not watched any episodes yet. Despite being a regular watcher of the original I will probably will wait till they all are out. I had figured this mini series was to introduce new main characters and gauge interest to see if the series could be resurrected. Anyway, looking forward to it.
Re: The Truth May Still Be Out There! The X-Files potentially back!

That one went right into the Top 5 all time. One of the funniest episodes of anything I've seen on tv. Well done.

It was great to see Carter work in one of the more humorous type monster of the week episodes. It's becoming apparent that they're trying to make these 6 episodes sum up the best traits of the series.

This one reminded me of episodes like X-Cops.

Also, Duchovny and Anderson both felt like they were back in early season form. This cemented my opinion that the first two episodes were not Duchovny disinterested in the series but how he chose to play Mulder, he's broken, feeling like his whole life was a waste. This was a restoration of faith episode, that not everything he chose to believe in throughout his life was a lie.

I love how self aware the series has been too, "that's how I like my Mulder", Scully was a voice for the audience within the episode acknowledging that he hasn't been his old self in a long time, even back before the last movie, probably since Season 7.
Re: The Truth May Still Be Out There! The X-Files potentially back!

That was definitely what this short season needed, a Darin Morgan ep to make everyone feel at home again; feels like an instant classic. And it was really nice to see Mulder somewhat back to his pre-season 8 self.

Favourite moments: Mulder trying to get a picture of the were-monster, the return of the infamous Speedo, and his ringtone is the X-Files theme song :lol

Also, Scully has a new Queequeg!
Re: The Truth May Still Be Out There! The X-Files potentially back!

What's blowing me away, and making the fact that this season is half over already hard, is how they're managing to condense all the facets of the show over a 9 season run into a few episodes and it's working. The conspiracy episodes were on point with the history of those types and the evolution that arc, and the monster of the week episodes are embodying what made those successful.

Looking at it now, I think where the 2nd movie failed was, the story was a monster of the week type story, but the tone and feel was more in line with the darker, more serious conspiracy stories and the two elements don't play successfully.

I loved Mulder talking like classic Mulder, the banter about the horned lizard, playing both sides of the argument with Scully at the hotel. It was refreshing to see him from a perspective that hadn't been since since his abduction.
Re: The Truth May Still Be Out There! The X-Files potentially back!

Agreed - instant classic! Loved it.
This didn't hurt either:


Re: The Truth May Still Be Out There! The X-Files potentially back!

I'll take 2016 Scully over 1993 Scully any day.



I swear, she gets more beautiful with age, and it doesn't look like she gets work done.
Re: The Truth May Still Be Out There! The X-Files potentially back!

I'll take 2016 Scully over 1993 Scully any day.



I swear, she gets more beautiful with age, and it doesn't look like she gets work done.
I might be wrong but I think she's pregnant in that 1993 picture.
Re: The Truth May Still Be Out There! The X-Files potentially back!

(Reps Pennyworth) :lol

Wow, until a couple of days ago I hadn't seen an X-Files Monster of the Week episode in over 20 years. Pretty funny with an unexpected, and welcome, twist.
Re: The Truth May Still Be Out There! The X-Files potentially back!

Cool that Mulder was standing on Kim Manners' headstone. He directed 50+ episodes of the series and passed away in 2009.
Re: The Truth May Still Be Out There! The X-Files potentially back!

Half way through these 6 episodes and have to say this return has been magnificent! This is just quintessential X-Files with a bit of mythology, monster of the week and humour. I heard a lot of people saying Gillian voice sounds like a smoker and David's does too, yet they both just sound like Mulder and Scully to me.

This 6 parter has been such a huge success, I can see them coming back for some more in a similar format.

So wonderful to see this series back and performing so well. I feel like I've fallen in love with the show all over again and I've been a fan for more than 20 years.
Re: The Truth May Still Be Out There! The X-Files potentially back!

why is season 9 so bad? (and it had nothing to do with doggett or reyes for me) the storylines for 9 were god awful
Re: The Truth May Still Be Out There! The X-Files potentially back!

why is season 9 so bad? (and it had nothing to do with doggett or reyes for me) the storylines for 9 were god awful

Not sure what happened, but I'd agree, i watch season 9 going through the series, but I only really enjoy half if that. I think they struggled writing for Dogget and Reyes, where season 8 still heavily included Scully and Mulder was always a consideration.