I’ll be honest: this “Me, Too” thing is getting very grating. I get that these are real issues for women all around the world and I am glad that it’s being addressed in a lot of ways, but holy ****, the way it’s being addressed in Hollywood, in particular, is so self-congratulatory and downright sycophantic in some regards. The invitations to “activists” at the Golden Globes, the “Time’s Up” pins and the booing of Weinstein and Spacey. For a group of individuals who are so incredibly talented at making us believe they are other people, their attempt at acting self-righteous is not only profoundly inauthentic, but borderline Razzie worthy, and I think the issue, more than anything, is with us; with people, and with hypocrisy. That’s what bugs the **** out of me. That Seth Meyers, 6 months ago, could’ve had Kevin Spacey on his late-night show, and he’d have greeted him with a handshake and a hug and went on and on about how much he admired his talent and his work, and now, after the fire, he can go up there with hindsight bias and make jokes about how “he wasn’t that great,” and the same collection of Spacey’s peers, who granted him numerous awards and accolades, can nod their heads in agreement when they’re all equally complicit in perpetuating this same culture of degradation.
That’s not me saying that “everyone knows everyone in Hollywood” and they’re all best friends, but the Weinstein thing, in particular; so much of that reads as “ we knew it was bad, but not that bad,” and clearly they did, because they sure looked like they could’ve choked when Seth MacFarlane was making cracks about Weinstein’s “extracurriculars” back before it became public knowledge, but more than that, I can’t stand the piety that we all display. I look at the Spaceys and the Weinstein’s and the Louis CKs and I see sacrificial lambs being led to the altar for the sake of our peace of mind. The truth is, if, tomorrow, Hollywood as a collective held a press conference, and every actor, actress, and director came on stage, one after the other, and confessed to raping someone, you know what I think we’d do? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. We wouldn’t strip them of their ability to work ever again or throw them in jail. We wouldn’t give up on film as a medium because, deep down, we know that we don’t *actually* give that much of a **** about women, or abuse, or racism, or sexism, or whatever the issue of the day was, and, even if we did care, we don’t value those principles or, even, basic, human decency, as a concept, anywhere near as much as we value entertainment.
So, we’d find a way to rationalize it. We’d say “that was really wrong and we don’t approve, but we can’t get rid of movies, now, so, I guess you get a pass.” I guess it just speaks to the human condition as a whole. It’s like the Ancient Romans in the Colisseum. One minute, they’re calling for your head, but, the second the tides of battle begin to change, they’re cheering and chanting your name. I guess I’m just coming to understand that we’re all just a bunch of garbage people and hypocrites. **** everyone in Hollywood with their hypocrisy, who’s suddenly an “advocate,” and **** everybody like me who would say “**** their hypocrisy” when we, ourselves, are equally hypocritical.