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Failed Suicide Girl?
Unforgivable, and has absolutely nothing to do with the artistic value of the film.

This is one of the few cases were the value of the artist as a person destroys everything they touch. Same thing goes for that freak who directed Powder.

Hitler was an artist too and those works can never nor should they ever emerge from the shadow he cast on history.

Not at all. Polanski is Hitler!!!!!111 :horror

LOL. But if Michealangelo was found to be a child molester it would certainly cast a pall on all his works. Hitler is an extreme example, but it's pretty amazing after all the child sex scandals we've had over the past few years that Mr. Polanski is a respected filmaker.

Perhaps a better example would have been Sandusky. Do you think anybody cares about his mastery of the game now?
When someone takes a Psychology class and that student goes around and annoys everyone by trying to analyze them after just taking 1 or 2 classes.
I hate that I leave positive feedback to sellers but they can't be bothered to leave feedback to buyers.

I always leave feedback for sellers. Unfortunately, too many buyers were not leaving feedback for me so I stopped leaving it for them. If I receive feedback I immediately leave some for the buyer.
This is one of the few cases were the value of the artist as a person destroys everything they touch. Same thing goes for that freak who directed Powder.

Hitler was an artist too and those works can never nor should they ever emerge from the shadow he cast on history.


and to think that if that stupid academy of art had Accepted Hitler as a student he would have just become some dumb artist instead...

They are really the ones to blame.
Yeah, damn them for thinking he sucked. Maybe if he wasn't such a ****ty artist, he wouldn't have been inclined to blame the rest of the world for it.

This is one of the few cases were the value of the artist as a person destroys everything they touch. Same thing goes for that freak who directed Powder.

Hitler was an artist too and those works can never nor should they ever emerge from the shadow he cast on history.


Are you comparing Polanski's crimes to Hitlers? :lol

I know you're not, but a little perspective might be warranted. Polanski was convicted of unlawful sexual contact with a 13 year old girl. If history is correct, Thomas Jefferson began his sexual relationship with Sally Hemings when she was 14. Does this change your opinion of the Declaration of Independence?
how old was Mary when she married Joseph? had baby Jesus?

Edgar Allan Poe married his 13 year old cousin,

(Jeez, come to think of it History is full of pedobears apparently)