Things I Hate

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I would love to know why the guy was following the cop car and passing 5 times around the scene of a crime or whatever the hell was going on. Seems like we only got half the story
The part of the story that the guy in the car wants people to see, a cop getting angry.

Trouble is the cop's anger looks justified to me.
I would love to know why the guy was following the cop car and passing 5 times around the scene of a crime or whatever the hell was going on. Seems like we only got half the story

There are a few bad apples on the force, as there are in any profession - with the obvious distinction being that police officers wield considerable power. But hands up who'd do their job for quids? This cop was dealing with a crime scene that may have involved an injury or death. Maybe the night before he had to tell a mother or father that their kid had been killed in a traffic accident. Maybe the night before that he had to deal with an alcoholic bashing his wife and kids. And then... this idiot turns up with his giant ego and victim mentality and apparently tries to entrap him as he goes about his business - which, incidentally, appeared to be nothing more sinister than stopping and questioning the driver of a car that had been repeatedly circling a crime scene and following the squad car. He stopped the car, asked the driver reasonable questions in a reasonable manner, and look at the response he got.

That's why I'm not cut out to be a cop. I would've tased his ass, camera or no camera.
There are a few bad apples on the force, as there are in any profession - with the obvious distinction being that police officers wield considerable power. But hands up who'd do their job for quids? This cop was dealing with a crime scene that may have involved an injury or death. Maybe the night before he had to tell a mother or father that their kid had been killed in a traffic accident. Maybe the night before that he had to deal with an alcoholic bashing his wife and kids. And then... this idiot turns up with his giant ego and victim mentality and apparently tries to entrap him as he goes about his business - which, incidentally, appeared to be nothing more sinister than stopping and questioning the driver of a car that had been repeatedly circling a crime scene and following the squad car. He stopped the car, asked the driver reasonable questions in a reasonable manner, and look at the response he got.

That's why I'm not cut out to be a cop. I would've tased his ass, camera or no camera.


I wish it was a feature of the rep system that you would be notified that someone attempted to give you a +1 even though they still can't, having not spread sufficient rep around to other members.
He should try that in Albuquerque, after the third drive bye, the cop probably would have shot him.

What a ****.
The cops don't get a bad wrap "most of the time". It's well deserved. They are no longer a police force. They are a para-military organization that we are literally now outfitting with former army and marine corp vehicles and weapons, and military surveillance drones. They are above the law. Remember the Boston Bombings and them going door to door with no search warrants and pointing guns from APCs at citizens in their windows? I went out for a jog to clear my mind and instead got asked for my papers.

They consider every civilian a threat because they don't know who the few bad apples are. Why should I think of them any differently? I don't know which cop is having a bad day, which one likes to feel up women when he pats them down, which one's are on meds for mental disorders, which is on the take. Every time one gets away with that behavior and still gets to don a badge I trust the overall lot of them less and less.

I really believe with the announcement of the middle class vanishing and this country being ruled by the top 1 percent, that when the market crashes again we are headed for a revolution in this country. It may take 5 or 10 years but the crash will come again, anyone with a clue about economics will pretty much agree. That is why they are arming the cops with military vehicles and allowing them to operate above the law, the government knows it as well. It's also probably why Obama is so eager to start **** with the Russians. Every young, poor man you send to die in Ukraine isn't here on the streets to Riot when the market crashes.

The more ya know :wink1:

A few things come to mind after watching that video:

1: The man did not answer why he was circling the crime scene or why he was following the police. Best answers would have been "I was not circling the crime scene, I was not following you". Helpful and non-antagonizing all at once. Bring up the lawyer if the officer insists on his suspicion, not before.

The guy is particularly bold and demanding for someone who has no idea why he was being pulled over. His behavior makes me think he could be somehow connected to whatever this crime scene is. Or he might be deliberately baiting an officer with a reputation. Maybe he was just curious to see what was going on, but honesty would have done the trick.

2: Cop should have said simply that his behavior was suspicious given the circumstances and taken his name for a followup later. Nothing was solved by getting violent over being an obstruction. Bad positioning and sign of low intelligence.

3. The second officer came off like a real pro and should have handled it from the beginning.

Basically there are *******s on both sides of the law and we got to see an example of each in that video.
The idea of "family." That, somehow, blood is everything and that you can never give up on family. If you're a scum sucking degenerate, who lies and takes advantage of people, you're going to do it, regardless of genetic material, so, why isn't it okay to give up on this sort of "family?" Blood doesn't make family. The relationships that are built and nurtured because of that connection are what makes family, but, if you're a **** in life, to everyone around you, chances are you're going to treat people within your family the same way.
The only thing I F#$%ING HATE this life is an UGLY disease what we all call is Alzheimer's disease. In my opinion it is the much worst disease anybody could ever gone through or is going through. I HATE it worse than cancer. Cancer either kills you BUT you still know who you are and being able to say goodbye with a closure OR it makes you stronger by beating it. Alzheimer's takes away the most sacred part that is the best thing about you, YOUR IDENTITY and you always die from it. You do not survive it. You LOSE your loved ones TWICE!! First loss is to the d**n disease AND THEN to death. You watch them deteriorating slowly and you feel helpless. NO medicines. NO treatments. NOTHING can stop it.

My grandma had it. My aunt had it. My great aunts and uncles had it. NOW, my mother has it. I am in a grieving process at this moment because I lost my mother. She is still alive and is now an Alzheimer's patient in a nursing home. I visit her often and she doesn't recognize me at times. She looks at me like I am a stranger and it breaks my heart every time. But I continue to visit and be there for her. On Easter holiday recently, I had lunch with her and she tried to eat the fork several times. I took away the fork and I ended up feeding her. She asked me where my mom and dad were? I said you are my mom. She denied to me that she had any children. She forgot about that and moved on to next topic, she told me her husband ran off with another woman when in fact my Dad passed away last November '13 and she didn't remember anything about it. She is in a wheelchair because she forgot how to walk. The nurses are taking care of her like you would take care of a baby. Yet I continue to be there for her and give her my love, no matter what.

I F#$%ING hate this disease.
^^ absolutely agree with you. My biggest fear is getting Alzheimer's. Other diseases are physically awful and deteriorating but I can't handle the idea of losing myself. I know people who have it and seeing what it does to them and their loved ones is heartbreaking.
The only thing I F#$%ING HATE this life is an UGLY disease what we all call is Alzheimer's disease. In my opinion it is the much worst disease anybody could ever gone through or is going through. I HATE it worse than cancer. Cancer either kills you BUT you still know who you are and being able to say goodbye with a closure OR it makes you stronger by beating it. Alzheimer's takes away the most sacred part that is the best thing about you, YOUR IDENTITY and you always die from it. You do not survive it. You LOSE your loved ones TWICE!! First loss is to the d**n disease AND THEN to death. You watch them deteriorating slowly and you feel helpless. NO medicines. NO treatments. NOTHING can stop it.

My grandma had it. My aunt had it. My great aunts and uncles had it. NOW, my mother has it. I am in a grieving process at this moment because I lost my mother. She is still alive and is now an Alzheimer's patient in a nursing home. I visit her often and she doesn't recognize me at times. She looks at me like I am a stranger and it breaks my heart every time. But I continue to visit and be there for her. On Easter holiday recently, I had lunch with her and she tried to eat the fork several times. I took away the fork and I ended up feeding her. She asked me where my mom and dad were? I said you are my mom. She denied to me that she had any children. She forgot about that and moved on to next topic, she told me her husband ran off with another woman when in fact my Dad passed away last November '13 and she didn't remember anything about it. She is in a wheelchair because she forgot how to walk. The nurses are taking care of her like you would take care of a baby. Yet I continue to be there for her and give her my love, no matter what.

I F#$%ING hate this disease.

I'm so sorry to hear this. I wish her all the best. It's harder on the family than it is the person who has it.

This is another reason why politicians need to loosen their grip on stem cell research and fetal tissue implants. It could help so many people who diseases like this.
I'm so sorry to hear this. I wish her all the best. It's harder on the family than it is the person who has it.

This is another reason why politicians need to loosen their grip on stem cell research and fetal tissue implants. It could help so many people who diseases like this.

and planet of the apes will follow suit.