and planet of the apes will follow suit.
Speaking of which... My sons and I rewatched Rise of the Planet of the Apes last night and it was A LOT better than I remembered... We loved it.
Wrong thread?
and planet of the apes will follow suit.
I'm honestly amazed those pics were printed in this weeks Zoo. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. She looks terrible. I mean the other girls simply prune their eyebrows, dye their hair and purse their lips till they all look the same but Helen here has taken it to an awful other level. Definite surgery there that she totally didn't need. Such a shame. She looks like she has had a face transplant after a mauling.
Losing more of our rights to the new police state :
Here if you decline, the police will detain you while they bring in a drug dog to snifff and secure a warrant when the dog controller instructs to dog to give a false find. Which will result in:
1. Finding the 500lbs of weed your dumb ass is driving around with.
2. Finding weed they planted when not finding anything.
3. After finding nothing you are sent on your merry way with 2 hours wasted and your car scratched up.
Just another reason all cops need to be outfitted with a camera and live mic whenever they are on duty. Spend some of the budget they're using to buy APCs and Automatic Rifles on truly protecting us instead.
4-6 rated chick? Get some tats, piercings and a fredericks of hollywood catalog = suicide girl!!