This is why I greatly dislike this stuff.
I did a night of it, however, in the Philippenes back in the 80's...excessively in excess. This stuff is potent enough that it was made to be off-limits to my unit as we were there. But I didn't know that at the time. And I can safely say that it was the single "head-and-shoulders-above-the-rest" worst drinking experience of my life. I didn't even get a functional recovery until the second day after that night.
Some believed at the time that it had opiate content...but that is just the high alcohol content hitting you like a freight train if you do not use some sense in consuming it...sorta like I didn't that night.
Looking back, I think it is possible that I am lucky I didn't die of alcohol poisoning that night. And it is lucky that I didn't vomit either or I might have ended up as one of those "choking-on-his-own-vomit" statistics.