The wealthiest friends I have all work in the trades: building, electrical, plumbing, cabinetry, tiling. Not a single degree between them. I don't move in investment banker circles, but these friends are doing well by most measures and all own at least two investment properties.
It's more important why you're getting a degree and how you use it to access a given field. An Arts degree used to hold some value, when tertiary quals of any kind were elite - now it doesn't mean s**t no matter which university it was obtained from.
I teach into a field where my students would be better off going to a technical training college or buying an online tutorial subscription - but somehow they (or their parents) think they'll be better off spending thousands of dollars and three years getting a degree. They're mostly paying for the fancy crest on their testamur.
Congrats on going to university and working towards your degree, but don't buy into the elitist garbage that most degrees represent anything other than one's capacity to hand in assignments over a sustained period of time.
And you gotta let go of the people on this board with whom you have issues. Otherwise that horse will never rest in peace.