Things That are Scary

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Re: Things That Are Scary


Ronald McDonald is one scary mofo imo.
Re: Things That Are Scary

Fluid gender identity on internet forums and the trauma it leaves in its wake.

(...also belongs in the things that make me laugh my ass off thread.)

Anyone remember Crix?
Re: Things That Are Scary

things that are scary
the realization that life might be meaningless and that whatever you do in this world in this life might not matter or count for anything
we live, time passes, we leave, at the end we might not be any different than a fly or an ant dying off (in the bigger scheme of things )

This my friend is why men seek power... it's a way they feel they'll be remembered good or bad.. Like Einstein vs Hitler. Einstein made a E=MC and Hitler persecuted jews. If anything people seek a way to be remembered so they aint forgotten, either by good actions or bad.
Re: Things That Are Scary

Minds like Einstein do what they do because they love what they're doing. History remembers them because they were something (to put it mildly).

Minds like Hitler do what they do because they're nothing. History remembers them because they couldn't keep it to themselves. They think that making their nothingness as significant as the achievements of great men will confer on them the same status. But, you can't make something out of nothing, and in the end history remembers them for their complete lack of worth instead. I'm not sure that Hitler's dream was to be remembered as the maggot he spent his entire adult life denying he was.
Re: Things That Are Scary

how come cleopatra wasnt remembered for the first vibrator?

you fill the void with ....something....

in this case it was a cylinder filled bees.

i had to read that from one of durex's bazooka joe-ish ads.
Re: Things That Are Scary

Minds like Einstein do what they do because they love what they're doing. History remembers them because they were something (to put it mildly).

Minds like Hitler do what they do because they're nothing. History remembers them because they couldn't keep it to themselves. They think that making their nothingness as significant as the achievements of great men will confer on them the same status. But, you can't make something out of nothing, and in the end history remembers them for their complete lack of worth instead. I'm not sure that Hitler's dream was to be remembered as the maggot he spent his entire adult life denying he was.

Exactly my point, however Einstein never proved Relativity and Hitler never achieved world domination. So when you look at it, if Einstein kept his old job as a accountant and Hitler talked to a shrink for shell shock. Neither would exist. Which is why i stated every man tries to lay his mark in a significant way. Which lately almost every damn body thinks they are entitled to... and that for one scares me since we that's the subject. People who strive for themselves only with a certifiable attitude. No care for nothing but being famous... like Miley Cyrus etc.
Re: Things That Are Scary

if einstein kept his job as an accountant. somebody else would take credit for its discovery. if the japs or the germans got it first, they'd probably win the war and i'd be tomo origato mr robot this side of the world.

She loved what she was doing. :lecture

she should be remembered for being ahead of her time. non battery operated vibrator. :lecture
Re: Things That Are Scary

if einstein kept his job as an accountant. somebody else would take credit for its discovery. if the japs or the germans got it first, they'd probably win the war

Too much Man in the High Castle Reference. :lol

Technically speaking if US military didnt ever go to Japan during Samurai dispute Japan never would have been westerned trained... so again America trained it's Enemy. :lol
Re: Things That Are Scary

Exactly my point, however Einstein never proved Relativity and Hitler never achieved world domination.

Special relativity is still on pretty solid ground, last I checked. General relativity is still sketchy, but...

I don't think he did it for the fame. Hitler, yeah. People with no ego need something to fill the only real void in the universe (a selfless soul).

she should be remembered for being ahead of her time. non battery operated vibrator. :lecture

God, yes. She was the last gasp of classical civilization before the descent into Imperial Roman/Neo-Platonist/Medieval hell. I can think of no more eloquent symbol of the longing for a better time, than a woman who invents a way to escape reliance on inferior men, without denying herself the finest thing in life.