See my position on this is that, after a couple of tongue-in-cheek throw away lines, you called me a coward and a hyprocrite.
Then I take you to task on the very issue over which you leveled those insults at me, and you avoid all engagement on the matter.
You're the champion of vitriol in this thread. Kamandi plays the gentleman to give you an out, to finish this unedifying spectacle of a thread with a conciliatory last word, and you have to get another dig in at those who've challenged you, framed as usual in passive-aggressive poor me-ism.
Now you're telling Kamandi, and by implication other fathers of daughters, what kind of world our girls will be growing up in. My girls will know feckless victimhood when they see it, because neither of their parents will indulge it. They'll understand that "b-b-b-u-t I'm a poor widdle girl in this mean, howwible man's world" won't get them far.
You really are enraged at my ignoring you. You certainly are Johnny on the spot when I mention you after being gone nearly a day.
Your hypocrisy is once again glaringly manifest in your casual dismissal of your ad hominems as "tongue-in-cheek throw away lines" whereas I am the "champion of vitriol".
And thanks for the outrage at my comments to Kamandi. He brought up being a father of his own volition. I told him how I see the world based on my experience as a woman. It was not an attack on him in any way.
The fact that remark sets you off in another bit of rage is a farce.