Everything that is right with this hobby:
Dumba55 thread.
You're easily wound up and appear to take yourself too seriously.
this is just as bad:
(worst actually, you can see her ****s)
Again says the guy who used to go around here for a long time telling us how he was an "anti-racist". I notice you conspicuously fail to address the racism parallel. You are a coward and hypocrite, mazel tov.
Maybe she offended herself. Either that, or she hates women.
okay well what about the pic above? Like I said earlier you want to point angry fingers you have to point them at everyone pretty much, the guys that own statues like that and the girls that dress up this way.
I don't even know where that other pic of the statue is from LOLI just saw it in your albums, i was trolling
She looks cold.
Good Point! I don't think anything in the history of comics is as perverted as 50 shades of grey.
Yet women LOVE that crap...
Isn't it like one big rape fantasy? lol
This is a better example of everything that's wrong with this hobby. Not only does their armor not hide their squishy parts, they've also been reduced to the status of large breasted animals (housepets, even).