Josh didn't like Gravity?? I thought he loved everything!
Guess we can put that myth to rest.
Sorry Josh.
Its ok.
Josh didn't like Gravity?? I thought he loved everything!
Sorry Josh.
Don't trust anyone that rates that god awful Hobbit highly.
Josh didn't like Gravity?? I thought he loved everything!
(Written in an Elven font)
Reminds me of the underwater bongo escape scene in TPM.
I was waiting for the Goober fish.
Monsters out there, leaking in here. Weesa all sinking and no power. Whena yousa thinking we are in trouble? Ye gods, whatta meesa sayin'?
Ok, hava pretty okee-day with a brisky morning munchy,
Well dat smell stink-o-wiff.
Give these men infractions!
I'd personally spend my money else where but that's just me.
Watching this on Thursday looking forward to the mid credits scene most i think
Infractions? Why? Too busy being amused by the idea that so many in here can easily quote a character from a movie they all hated so much...
I don't care about the helmet I want to get a hold of the situation at hand.
I hear you, I wouldn't know what to do if I ever lost my right hand.