I'm having this discussion over in the Captain Amer. Movie thread but it bares repeating in here...
I've come to the belief that looking at production stills, watching leaked scenes or reading leaked pages invariably leads to negative perception. Most of the time the scenes/pages/stills are taken completely out of context and are often incomplete or temporary.
I watched every scene that was released of Thor in advance of the film's opening and I can honestly say that those scenes played flat and cliché and repetitive when viewed independently. Within the framework of the film the scenes were CONSIDERABLY more effective. Loud theater in the dark. Engaged audience. A 50 foot scene in 3D. Its NO CONTEST when compared to watching (or looking) at a small quicktime (or photograph) on a computer monitor.
Do yourselves a favor... DON'T succumb to the temptation of looking at spoilers, or leaked images, or advanced scenes. BE PATIENT. Wait for the final film. You will likely enjoy it more when you see things in context, with more than one of your senses engaged, with more than JUST your senses engaged...
It's almost not even worth watching the trailers especially since I would have seen this movie regardless. I went with a buddy to see Thor who hadn't watched the trailer. Sure, he'd seen some promotional images (i.e. the posters) and some of the TV spots in passing but I was surprised how much MORE he would laugh at things that I already knew were coming (i.e. the coffee cup breaking, tranq shot, etc.). He literally enjoyed the movie more than I did.