Cool thanks, I couldn't make out what was in the case. Gonna see it again tomorrow 

They found the Cosmic Cube.
They found the Cosmic Cube.
has any movie released in the last 50 years not kicked the crap out of Iron Man 2? I'm thinking Showgirls puts that piece of crap to shame.
Holy crap, go to Box Office Mojo.
Bridesmaids has 1,000 less screens than Thor yet beat it by $34,000 for monday's box office, placing Thor into 2nd place!
A couple extra thoughts on Thor the movie:
1. Hemsworth as Thor may be the most instantly charismatic film character since Jack Sparrow. Women love him, guys think he's cool, extra points for pulling off an insanely difficult comic to screen translation.
2. Even though there have been other great Marvel films I feel like Thor has finally brought the spirit of Jack Kirby to the big screen. And I love that.
Just got back from the movie and let me say I'm very impressed. I've been reading Thor for a couple of decades now and it was a really good interpretation of a lot of the high points from the past few years. It wasn't perfect by any means but I did enjoy it much more than Iron Man 2 and I would dare to say that I enjoyed it about as much as Iron Man just in a different way.
I had very little hope for this film at all as this thread will document but they did a fantastic job of making the character accessible without falling into parody and making a film that moved quick enough to get the story told and explaining just enough to get you to understand the story as it progresses. My wife knows absolutely nothing about Thor except that he has a hammer and that he is blonde and she absolutely loved it.
The Warriors Three were well casted as was Sif but they were underutilized completely not to mention the lighthearted parts with them could have been better characterized. I loved seeing Destroyer and thought that was done fantastically and Portman was surprisingly adorable as Jane. The SHIELD parts were fantastically interwoven, much better than Iron Man 2, and felt natural. I wasn't too impressed with Hopkins as Odin, he is a fantastic actor and has presence but just not as Odin. He felt miscast and didn't really give the kind of performance I would imagine from Odin the All-father. Loki was amazing, perfectly casted and portrayed as was Thor. The CGI elements were well-crafted, far better than the stillshots give it credit for and the lack of the "Aye Verily!" or the third person conversation were both easily forgotten in the well crafted film. I really liked it.
Joss Whedon directed the post credits sequence in Thor, not KB.
Cool ____, just like how KB directed the post credit sequence in IM2.
The pleasant, optimistic nature of the character really is a throwback to the Lee/Kirby stuff of the 60s, and felt counter to a lot of what we see nowadays from comic films with tormented, angst ridden characters (Spiderman, Daredevil, Batman, Hulk, Wolverine and the other X-Men), wanton murderers (Punisher, Blade), and immoral alcoholics womanizers (Iron Man).
Thor really was a refreshing change of pace. Superman could give us something similar, but I fear the need (or perceived need) to reference parts of what made Dark Knight popular are gonna hurt the chances of that happening. Captain America and the Fantastic Four reboot could do the same.
I like my "gritty" comic characters as much as the next guy, but not always.
Just got back from the movie and let me say I'm very impressed....
.... I wasn't too impressed with Hopkins as Odin, he is a fantastic actor and has presence but just not as Odin. He felt miscast and didn't really give the kind of performance I would imagine from Odin the All-father.