No worries, you will love them.
Not seen it anywhere over here so had to go with big bad toy store and then either cancel if they turn up in the UK or hope I don't get stung too hard for shipping.
Just came to display these 2 and the hands don't fit. The hole for Leo's 'weapon' hands is way too small and Mikey is similar, so both are currently sporting the neutral none weapon hands. To make it worse Mikey's right hand that came already fitted won't click onto place despite me spending ages trying.
Use a hairdryer. They will soften and pop on.
Dude that sucks. Leo's swords were a bit stiff to get in the hand holes, but a little wiggle and there was no bother. Swapping hands is a bit fiddly as the cloth wraps get in the way. The natural hands for Mikey can be used to hold the nunchuck handles pair with a little futzing.
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Guys who have got Mikey, check his forehead for cracks. Saw it on one sixth republic and found that mine has one, a semi circle from above his right eye across to above his left eye.
Excuse my rubbish picture but you can see the crack above going through the dark green spot in the middle of his forehead.
Hey did u contact threezero? Did they agree to send you a replacement? Mine has the same thing.