Super Freak
Breaking Bad is a Sony property, not AMC.
And when did McFarlane start using actor's likenesses for TWD? I see the new ones sorta-kinda look like the actors, but the old stuff looks just like random people.
however it's when you put it next to an amazing 1/6 head is where you will feel the disappointment set in.
This is true; but wouldn't AMC have a foot in the door when it comes to licensing? You see AMC stamped on BB things more than Sony.Breaking Bad is a Sony property, not AMC.And when did McFarlane start using actor's likenesses for TWD? I see the new ones sorta-kinda look like the actors, but the old stuff looks just like random people.
Like I said above with Pixel, the quality is very hit and miss. I've never bought any of those figures at full price and for good reason. They're fair to mediocre at full price, but at $10 or less they're good enough.While I admire the depth and variety of the McFarlane TWD line, the figures seem pretty crappy.
I can't wait for Clipper's review of Ned. The headsculpt didn't look all that great in lots of the pics, but it looks much better in his unboxing video.
Give me a call when Hot Toys starts putting out figures this good overall. I'd like to see that.
Cool pic!If I were to get Ned, I'd go the same route since I missed the exclusive. I wonder how that letter opener compares to ThreeZero's Ice?
Ned is a great figure, but saying the quality of the paint or the refinement of the sculpt is Hot Toys quality, you need your eyes checked IMO
Ned is a great figure, but saying the quality of the paint or the refinement of the sculpt is Hot Toys quality, you need your eyes checked IMO
Truth! I just got my Ned and no freaking way this has the same quality in sculpt or paint as Hot Toys. I love it nonetheless though!
Agreed, the portraits is where HT has outclassed the competition.
I don't see Ned as a step back from Tyrion though, it's a step forward imo. Ned's sculpt and paint up are pretty equal to what we got from Tyrion, but Ned's outfit is more complex and required better tailoring which was hit out of the park.