I thought the hands looked odd too. Hair sculpt looks worse IMO, but the paint looks more accurate. Not too brown, not too blonde, just right in the middle.
Overall it looks great though and $130 is surprisingly good.
I was really hoping they'd add a bit more in terms of accessories/hands. This is a pretty bare-bones release, but at least the price isn't insane. Including shipping is a really nice touch too. Anyone else curious about when it will ship?
I dont have a problem with the hair. The only nits I have are the roughness (and possible size?) of the hands, and the tunic. Though I think I've gotten used to the tunic. Overall this will be one fun figure. I can't wait.
They took about 6 months to ship the TWD Zombie Pet's after pre-order. Maybe a similar amount of time? or perhaps even less, since those were two figures....
Would be cool if the exclusive was a headsculpt with scar, some stubble and darker hair... Atleast pre order is going up when there's still hype for the show. Glad Tyrion is first
$130 doesn't get you much in this hobby anymore. A newly-developed body (I think?), a tricky costume and a great character makes this a pretty good deal.
A fantastic-looking figure. My only complaint/observation is that the second pair of hands look identical to the first...or is it just me? Maybe they haven't sculpted the second set yet, or they weren't ready for the preorder?
Anyway, a definite buy for me. I'll be preordering on May 26th.