Super Freak
Simple. He's very competitive, and he likes winning. He likes winning trophies. He likes having things that symbolize his success. Many people believe that we live in a white dominated culture, and so the fact is that to many black men, marrying a white, blond woman represents success. That isn't just my opinion, its a pretty prevalent one. That aside, assuming that race wasn't an issue, which I doubt, the fact is that he married a beautiful woman, who he cheated on. The fact that he cheated on her proves that he doesn't love her, and that therefore, he didn't marry for love. She wasn't rich, so he didn't marry her for money, either. He married her for her looks, as a trophy wife. It wouldn't be reasonable for him to marry her just for sex. There are more compatible women than her I'm sure, for him to have kids with. So that leaves a trophy. He married her to represent his material success. Does that make any sense?
Oh boy, if I had typed something like this response, there would be people running to call me a racist A-hole.