TitanFall - from the original creators of Call of Duty (Xbox One/Xbox 360/PC)

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12 vs 12 would be insane if they had 24 titans in game at once and not in a good way. Nothing would get done, people would simply either be trying to kill the titans or trying not to get killed. Objectives would go out the window at that point.

I just hope the grunts and spectres get a boost in difficulty so they're not meat shields.
wow, no story mode? I was interested in this game until I heard that. I haven't played multiplayer since socom 3 lol this game was looking cool but yea, I don't do multiplayer. This is my fear of the future generation of some games, I heard EA is thinking about making all of their future games online only which kills me.
I can see why there isn't the ability to level buildings.

It would cancel out the pilots jet pack maneuvers. That looks like the funnest part of the game.

Light stuff like fences & vegetation would be nice though.
Jet packing definitely adds a new dimension to the game. In team death match you can use jetpacking and wall running to get to the enemy faster than your teammates. There's a natural clash point in the middle of the map you see in the demo where everyone just meets up at. I used the wall running to get to that point a good 1-2 seconds ahead of my team.

One of the funnest parts is navigating the maps using the free running and jump jets and finding the fastest routes.
From what I can remember, you can only double jump with it. So tap A once to get a big jump and then tap again for the next second jump. The moment that you make contact with something you can immediately jump again.so if you double jump onto a sign and start wall running, you can double jump again. I had it where I could double jump to a sign, wall run across it, double jump to a building and wall run across it, and then double jump up a building. The cool thing is if you reach the tops of buildings, you'll see arms on your screen and you'll pull yourself onto the roof. No more coming inches from getting on the roof and then falling back down like in other games.

Jump packs can even help you alter direction as well. In the demo, you see the player run along the wall and then double jump into the window to shotgun the player/bot and then snap the other ones neck. Everytime I played that map I usually went that route but on my first jump off the wall would be too far to the right so I'd used my second jump to push myself to the left and into the window.
This was the response from Titanfall producer Drew "DK05 McCoy after complaints about the 6 v 6 mp from members on NeoGaf

"Lots of armchair game designing going on in here. I'd suggest playing before judging a something as insignificant as a number in a vacuum.

"Vince is right - we tried a huge amount of playercounts (all the way down to 1v1 and up quite high) and designed the maps, gameplay mechanics, and entire experience around which played best. If anyone wants to chase the numbers game, perhaps we're not the experience they're after? I dunno.

"And FYI, for amount of stuff happening at once in a map you'll be hard pressed to find a game that keeps the action higher. I literally have to stop playing every few rounds because my heart just can't take it some times. Remember, you can get out of your Titan and let it roam on AI mode - meaning there can be 12 Pilots wallrunning around, 12 Titans stomping below, and dozens of AI doing their thing.

"Oh, and I keep seeing people thinking we've got "bots" when we talk about AI. Thats not how they are. The AI in Titanfall are not replacements for human players. Our playercount is not 6v6 because of AI - AI play their own role in the game and are a different class of character in the game.

"Can't wait! Only a couple months until speculative threads like this are gone and people are actually talking about their experiences with the game. Its truly fun stuff, and I hope everyone at least gives it a try."

From what I can remember, you can only double jump with it. So tap A once to get a big jump and then tap again for the next second jump. The moment that you make contact with something you can immediately jump again.so if you double jump onto a sign and start wall running, you can double jump again. I had it where I could double jump to a sign, wall run across it, double jump to a building and wall run across it, and then double jump up a building. The cool thing is if you reach the tops of buildings, you'll see arms on your screen and you'll pull yourself onto the roof. No more coming inches from getting on the roof and then falling back down like in other games.

Jump packs can even help you alter direction as well. In the demo, you see the player run along the wall and then double jump into the window to shotgun the player/bot and then snap the other ones neck. Everytime I played that map I usually went that route but on my first jump off the wall would be too far to the right so I'd used my second jump to push myself to the left and into the window.

Cool, sounds pretty good - can't wait to give it a go!
I'm pretty sure my origins account has been hacked. I just signed in to make sure I still could in cause the sign up requires you too and I found it says my ID name is Player_sanpkafo and it said my join date was 1/16/2014. Don't know what the ID is and I've had the account since BF3 at least so the date is incorrect too.

So I made another. Hope it doesn't hurt my chances.
Awesome! Hoping to get in on the beta and see exactly what TitanFall will be like to play.
Awww :lol
