TMNT Leonardo Comiquette

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Stop posting pictures of yourself :gah:
Alright, the more I look at him, the more he's growing on me...A few things I would have chaned still, but I am starting to like him.

But does anyone else think the eyes look slightly off center to his "beak/nose"? Or am I just crazy? (don't answer that)
We'll I'm starting to accept it, cause there's no way they'll change it. That would piss off the 3 people that like it as is. But there's just so many things about it that look wrong. Even if you can avert your eyes from the puffy marshmallow head, his body looks pudgier than the others and that part of the groin that sticks out over the leg, while structurally correct I guess, just looks weird. Don is pretty much my favorite statue ever, so I’m definitely getting all 4 regardless.
After reading comments here and STATUE FORUM...

It seems MOST of the people complaining about the Leo have already secured 3 or the 4 Exclusive Turtles, and are upset because their BULLETPROOF LINE just got shot to ____.

MOST (not all) of the people saying LEO is FINE don't collect the line, so your opinion really doesn't matter. It's like me commenting on the BUFFY LINE.
After reading comments here and STATUE FORUM...

It seems MOST of the people complaining about the Leo have already secured 3 or the 4 Exclusive Turtles, and are upset because their BULLETPROOF LINE just got shot to ____.

MOST (not all) of the people saying LEO is FINE don't collect the line, so your opinion really doesn't matter. It's like me commenting on the BUFFY LINE.

My favorite turtle was always Donatello, and it looks like he will be my favorite of the Sideshow pieces as well.

Leonardo is a bit of a let down. The pose is a little awkward, the neck sticks out strangely, and what should be a menacing grimace looks more like constipation. I definitely don't think that all four needed to show teeth and I'm OK with the idea of a different facial expression, but this attempt to change things up didn't quite work out. So this will be my least favorite, but it's still worth a purchase in my opinion and I will definitely still get it to complete my set.
After reading comments here and STATUE FORUM...

It seems MOST of the people complaining about the Leo have already secured 3 or the 4 Exclusive Turtles, and are upset because their BULLETPROOF LINE just got shot to ____.

MOST (not all) of the people saying LEO is FINE don't collect the line, so your opinion really doesn't matter. It's like me commenting on the BUFFY LINE.

Well people who think any line is bulletproof are idiots. I say gimmie Leo and gimmie the rest of the gang.

Ok, why is it they can chrome X-23's claws, both PF and Dio...and other Marvel characters... but not Leo's katanas?:cuckoo:
They also need to be a bit longer IMO. A little short there.

As for the face, it just needs a little tweeking, thats all. I remember the turtle toys not all having the menacing grimace teeth look.
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After reading comments here and STATUE FORUM...

It seems MOST of the people complaining about the Leo have already secured 3 or the 4 Exclusive Turtles, and are upset because their BULLETPROOF LINE just got shot to ____.

MOST (not all) of the people saying LEO is FINE don't collect the line, so your opinion really doesn't matter. It's like me commenting on the BUFFY LINE.

Ok, why is it they can chrome X-23's claws, both PF and Dio...and other Marvel characters... but not Leo's katanas?:cuckoo:
They also need to be a bit longer IMO. A little short there.

I dunno... I can live without chroming. I think that may actually cheapen the look a bit if they chromed. With the overall colors and feel of the pieces I think the chrome might look too extreme. I like the dulled metal look. Appears more like he's been in battle.

I guess that could go either way.
yeah, it's kinda hard to say till you see it in person. Hopefully at SDCC.
this is how I hoped Leo would look like:


only one sword drawn and both hands on it's handle.
grounded with both feet, ready to fight.