Dvd1 is right. Tf brand got a real boost from those movies.
Ah, but Transformers was a done and dusted franchise. When Hasbro let Bay do his thing, it was not a viable show. TMNT is on air now, it has been picked up for a further 24 shows next season, and Playmates are making a mint on the new gear. Nick won't sacrifice the show, nor would Bay sabotage potential merchandise sales by screwing with this in any major way. The franchise runs on TMNT. That, I cannot see being changed. If Bay is the producer, he will have to use the franchise name.
However, on a positive note, I received a couple of cool figures from the past, today in the mail.
And this is my Turtles corner, so these guys will go in here later today.
Wishful thinking. all of that.
On transformers, Yes there is no doubt the brand got a MASSIVE boost due to the first bay film. However, it was in no way a "done and dusted franchise" At toyfair this past year, hasbro showed profit numbers for transformers from before and after the film, going back several years before.
Guess what? the line was slowly gaining in profitability, and sales little by little each year. As it has done since the creation of the line back in the 80's.
I'm not saying that bay's involvement didn't improve this 1000 fold, but it was in no way "dead and done".
YOu might even say it was MORE alive then, than turtles was at the same time.
Hell, they canceled an entire toyline, and shelved a concept to make way for the first bay film. Yes, from a profitability standpoint, this was a good decision.
But the point is, Hasbro let Bay do whatever he wanted, and he made them Billions.
It made soo much money, they canceled a very good Cartoon show of transformers to make way for more of Bay's garbage. That being transformers Animated.
If you think for even one second, that nick and paramount are not going to give him free reign to make them Transformers money, regardless of hat itmeans fro the brand, then you don't understand american buisness executive greed.
Don't get me wrong, I'd love to be mistaken, and have this turn out to be a live action film on par with the original one. I just think that bay's already shown us what he's able to bring to the table.