Doom Saber. . .has a lot of insight, methinks. Regarding the fad stuff, he's dead on about House, then Dexter, now Walking Dead. There's always some new fad. These things have a shelf life of, what, 6 months to a year? Then what?
Gary, I hope the forum gets restructured a bit to keep some of the bad vibes out of the section you would no doubt have more interest in. Honestly, custom figures have taken over my collecting habits, and I've been intimately involved in a lot of the threads referenced that are filled with the most negative vibes. And I'm about sick of it myself. Just pettiness, douchiness, and conflict for the sake of conflict everywhere you look. I still love a lot of what guys like Denny and Rainman do, but I'm about at the point where I'll just pay attention to developments, buy, and not interact much beyond that. And as with Hot Toys threads, most of the conflict stems from feelings of entitlement one way or the other. . .