In Hardy's words "I looked at original Latin … sort of Romany Gypsy. And there was a character, Bartley Gorman … the bare-knuckle fighter, and that's where the accent comes from that I use in the film." He was Irish. Here you go :
And thanks for pointing out that no such drug exists that can amp people up and give them superhero strength... Could've sworn I learned it was possible. I thought you could just get it from your Dr. along with the Scarecrow's fear gas. I bought some of that yesterday at Walgreens. Good schitt.
The Nolanverse tried to be more grounded. Well, Batman isn't very grounded. And many of his gadgets aren't too realistic either.
I'm not really much of a Bane fan either. But he's much more in the comics and even in Batman TAS than he is here. He's nothing more than Tali'as ***** in TDKR.
I guess like TLJ, I've hit a nerve with a TDKR fan. It's all good. We like what we like. At least we agree this Venom movie looks like a$$...![]()
They explained that his accent was suppose to be an amalgam of eastern Europe. Which I think he nailed.
The Nolanverse was designed to be real. Having him take a drug that amped him up physically would have been unreal since no such drug exists. Counter to what you may have heard, its not real that people can suddenly gain superhero strength due to adrenaline or PCP.
His mask was made to keep him from feeling pain. Which is very real, as the opioid epidemic proves. Its also why he loses to BM after it gets destroyed in the fight. All the pain comes back to him in a flash.
I actually hate the original Bane, he is my least favorite comic character in DC. So the change was welcome. Personally I was way more upset with the design of the Scarecrow. Who was not creepy or scarey in any way.
Than why even get into a comic book property if you won’t do it right
Nolan Batman was so real especially when Rachel fell off a skyscraper landed on a car and brushed herself off.
Isn’t it ironic that the guy who gave us Ledger Joker also gave us the worst cinematic high budget death scene.
Actually forget high budget that death is worse than even stuff from Ed Wood movies lol
Same experience but Bane’s voice also brought the laughs as well.
Nolan knowing that Tom Hardy was only 3 foot tall so he had to amplify his voice to make up for that I mean the guys voice was louder than the planes engine with the plane door open!![]()
Yeah it's funny that TDKR got rave critic *and* audience scores but here it gets mostly hate. I'm not saying that certain elements weren't poor like Talia's idiotic death but I still find it to be a very well done and highly watchable film.
Man I had not idea people hated TDKR...
I saw it when I was pretty much isolated from all commentary and reviews.
I still like it alot.
I never had trouble understanding him, was glad they didn’t go with the stupid wrestler , pumped up on magic juices route.
Bane in the earlier films was laughable.
There were things about the film I personally couldn’t take seriously. Bane was awful IMO, I couldn’t understand him. Catwoman was toleratable but not memorable. The story took place what, 7, 8 years later? The Joker didn’t even get a mention. TDK couldn’t be topped and I think that’s what destroyed TDKR overall.
Back to Venom, I like his look a lot. But I’m not getting my hopes up. I’m not a fan of Tom Hardy as Eddie Brock.
I cant help seeing Brock as retarded now...honestly I think that how they are gonna play it....maybe not actually mentally handicap, but a simpleton whol is coopted and transformed by the symbiont.....
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
I cant help seeing Brock as retarded now...honestly I think that how they are gonna play it....maybe not actually mentally handicap, but a simpleton whol is coopted and transformed by the symbiont.....
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....