Apparently Tom Holland's Spidey may actually appear in this one.
There are multiple reports Tom Holland *will* be in this movie as Spider-Man in a very minor capacity.
No concrete evidence.
SNIKT is crying in a dark corner somewhere.
I'd rather see Spidey have the symbiote for at least one full movie
With the proper white spider on the suit too. Still my favorite Spidey suit from the comics
There are multiple reports Tom Holland *will* be in this movie as Spider-Man in a very minor capacity and that he’s already been spotted with Hardy and the director. No concrete evidence but these things do usually end up being true nowadays.
(Other than all the batfleck rumors anyway those are 0-6 so far... let’s see about the newest one)
Couldn’t agree more.Mine to. I’m very confident we will see it in infinity war. Seeing how venom comes out in October.
IDEALLY - Tying this to the MCU would be a smart business move. It helps "legitimize" any of Sony's more-independent Spider-man projects (with Marvel's input) and doesn't make the efforts seem like "wasted movies" since they are part of a larger congregation (which is what we're kind of seeing with Fox's last couple of X-Men-related movies - fans no longer "care" cause they're likely be rebooted). Why see a random Tom Hardy Venom movie (unless it's REALLY good) when you know we're going to an "official" MCU Venom?
As Marvel manages to regain and re-consolidate their lost character rights, the overall focus seems to be that fans turn to what is being seen as the "official Marvel movie canon" rather than outside side-projects that fall out of that scope.
Very well said and my thoughts exactly.
Sony is getting this stigma now of rebooting things, and fans are expecting that of them every time a franchise doesn't do well - and honestly, I get it and hard to blame them.
But I think by committing to something via involving other MCU characters who are established (such as Holland's Spider-Man) and making it canon, they can break that stigma. Obviously, it needs to good movie too.I think Hardy was a step in the right direction. I'm definitely a little worried about the story lines they're trying to adapt into film, BUT it's too early for me to decide. I'm definitely hopeful.
Indeed - However at the moment it seems a bit of a one way street of love
- Sony:
SNIKT is crying in a dark corner somewhere.
Sony can hint at whatever they want, but they don't seem to have a problem spreading misinformation through the media to fans. They are the under dogs here with lackluster and mediocre to poorly made films. Unless it comes directly from Marvel/Feige that Spider-Man will be in this movie & it is part of the MCU, it means nothing.
Sony's Amy Pascal seriously looks like she's off her meds in pictures most of the time. She lost all her professional credibility when the internal Sony emails leaked with the things she said in them. It's amazing she is still employed by Sony after that PR disaster and the failure of the reboot ASM movies. She says things that have no merit, as in the interview with Feige for promoting Homecoming & saying Sony's Spidey spin off films are part of the MCU with Feige looking on confused and then afterwards Marvel had to publicly recant her statements.
I know you guys, & myself, are fans and want to be optimistic, but we have to stop being naive about all this crap. Leaks and rumors are spread to increase interest and buzz in social media. That's all. Most of it can't be trusted. It's a cheap marketing ploy.