I just want to say 'Tom Hardy is Venom' is a terrible title for the movie.
"Tom Hardy is Box Office Venom" would be more appropriate.
I just want to say 'Tom Hardy is Venom' is a terrible title for the movie.
I can't believe this movie even exists.... I hope it tanks. If it does, I think Sony will be officially done with Spiderman (which is what we ALL want).
It is what the majority wants save for like 3 people. If this is in the mcu I’ll give it the benifit if the doubt since some planning went into it but if it’s just don’t trying to milk the Spider-Man franchise til they lose it I hope it crashes and burns .
That poster is funny. Anyone could of made that. They should of made the logo the poster.
Why would you, or anyone, hope this movie is bad? Tom Hardy is a great actor, and we've all been waiting to see Venom done justice on the big screen.
I hope the rumor about Woody Harrelson playing Carnage is true.
Why would you, or anyone, hope this movie is bad? Tom Hardy is a great actor, and we've all been waiting to see Venom done justice on the big screen.
I hope the rumor about Woody Harrelson playing Carnage is true.
I’m not. It’s Sony’s track record which we discussed time and time again. And what’s with people always bringing up Tom hardy acting? A good actor can star in a bad movie. Yea we want venom done right but Sony aren’t trustworthy and have ****ed up in the past.
I like that poster. Really hoping this is good.
Oh no, I understand that. I hated TASM & TASM2, but I really want to believe this could be good and that Sony learned their lesson.
I could see it going either way, but I hope it's good.
Yea I hope it surprises me. Venom is my favorite villain
I hope it tanks.
If it does, I think Sony will be officially done with Spiderman (which is what we ALL want).
Based on what I've read, Sony "considers" this movie to be set in the same universe as Homecoming, but Marvel Studios doesn't plan to "integrate" it with the MCU.![]()
But surely they would change their tune if this film ends up being good. Maybe Marvel Studios are simply assuming it's going to be crap and want a prenup of sorts for such an eventuality. But if it's a good film then wahayy, welcome to the MCU Tom Hardy is Venom!![]()
That's kind of what I figured they're doing. Waiting to see if it's any good or not would make sense.
Boy oh boy is SNIKT in for a rude awakening if they decide to merge this with the MCU though.![]()
Why would you, or anyone, hope this movie is bad? Tom Hardy is a great actor, and we've all been waiting to see Venom done justice on the big screen.
I hope the rumor about Woody Harrelson playing Carnage is true.
Because they're morons. It's quite literally the most absurd thing I've ever heard. But remember, these are the people that think movies like CW & Doc Strange are great movies. Their minds would literally turn to **** if they watched an actual great movie.
I can just picture one of these beauts watching Phantom Thread and literally searching for rope on Homedepot.com.
Hardy, Fleischer, Harrelson, Williams....this film was impeccably cast and with its leads being two blood-thirsty alien hybrids, one a sociopath and the other a psychopath, the R-rating will do wonders for it creatively as it did for [the Academy-Award-Nominated] Logan.
To want this movie to fail is moronic.
I think the film is gonna be good and am excited for the trailer... not sure why people want it to fail so bad.
If they can make Venom, Carnage and whatever other characters in the film compelling and can deliver with a good script, good action and good acting... i'm all for it. I honestly don't care if it's integrated in the MCU or Venom is fighting the new teenager Spidey.![]()
Its just that Sony has had a very crappy track record in the past and many people want them to just stay away. If this movie turns out to be good then that'll be great but given how sony operates and how they pushed the last franchise to failure is telling. Maybe they leanred or maybe not. I for one wanted to see A proper Venom vs spiderman movie. It's right to be skeptical and wanting Sony to fall back after the things they did. I've been rooting for sony since ASM was announced and they failed countless times with the brand. Of course people want them to fail and let marvel do it's thing. How anyone can have faith in a company that almost ruined the most beloved Marvel hero is beyond me.
I guess I'm just tired of being let down and want to see another company in control. Yea disney is far from perfect but Sony ****ed up three times.
I could care less about the cast. It means nothing. Good actors have been in bad movies. Hell look at the schumacher Batman movies. Some of those people were great actors.
So when someone says "DUR TOM HERDY. DUR DA DIRECTOR" it doesn't mean anything cause Sam raimi was a good director and got screwed over by sony and MArc webb barely had any control over the last franchise.