Well I for one am willing to pay the price , why ? Because it's the scale I prefer is it the armor I like best ? No but does look cool . Do I qualify in one who doesn't know the armory , yes , why? Because not everyone knows the whole stories of characters unless you are a hardcore fan . Just as I'm a hardcore fan of Rick baker I'm Sure some would not know the diffrence between platinum silicone and tin silicone hell I saw all the underworld movies but did I know who was Marcus or a lycan , nope I just enjoyed the movies but don't remember all the names , not until ECC came out with the bust and maquette , I know I know but that's how things are , Statues are like paintings , they really are worth the price a collector is willing to pay . Just today the SS old hulks green and grey sold for over 2000 bucks ,each would I pay that much ? No because I'm not into them , if I was I would . And that is how I justify the price on anything I buy , if I like it and want it , and will be happy with it then it's worth it , to me , do I buy becuase eventually they may go up in price and make a profit or at least make my money back , no , I buy for my enjoyment , and that's it