[Toys-Era] DOFP: Master of Magnetism 1/6 scale

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That looks kinda bad. He looks way too skinny. Darn i was hoping for the mp they would improve the fitting and body proportions. I might have to cancel if its going to look like that. :dunno

Was thinking the same, yet you can always switch the body for a muscular body which would also match the actors physique a little more. I am especially disappointed from the headsculpt it does look pretty cheap, again this might be solvable with a decent repaint...
Summed up this seems to be a good start but no "straight out of the box" purchase, at least judging from the first pics.
It hurts me inside a little cuz i really wanted a good quality fassneto figure. I dont want to have to mod it though, body swaps i hate doing and that hs never really flattered me much. I think the only reason i wanted it was cuz it IS a fassneto figure. I will still wait a bit to see how it looks from some of u guys who get it early but if it still looks skinny i dont know. I wasn't planning on having to mod it.
Well i am canceling as i need the money for something else and i dont really need it. I think it was always an impulse buy and cuz i was a magneto fan. Hope u guys enjoy it though.
He looks kinda skinny but over all still happy with release. I'm just thankfull to get this release at all.
He looks kinda skinny but over all still happy with release. I'm just thankfull to get this release at all.
Yeah it's not perfect but pretty good considering this is probably the only Fassbender Magneto we will get.

Only other possibility is if those two companies that made the older versions of Magneto and Xavier try making him.
I'm glad the other company released Xavier but he is pricey 4 a figure in a wheelchair and headsculpt feel's bit off on Xavier and old Magneto but i guess we must take what we can get while Marvel lets all the money fly out the window on so many x-men release's. I'm thinking the Phoenix Jean grey not too bad of a release also and I think must pick her up also.
So this always runs across my mind Magneto could just crush IRONMAN in a fight like squeezing like a sandwich in his suit full of jelly him and all his drone's.:horror:lol
Has anyone been notified by OSK yet? Still haven't gotten word about them asking the full payment for this...

So this always runs across my mind Magneto could just crush IRONMAN in a fight like squeezing like a sandwich in his suit full of jelly him and all his drone's.:horror:lol

MCU-wise? Yeah he'd completely annihilate the likes of Iron Man, Ultron and put up a good fight against Thor. The comics are quite different though, since Iron Man has been known to make suits that can actually fight/repel against Magneto.
How are these retailers shipping out already?

This tells me there is absolutely no reason to pay in full months ahead of time and order direct. I haven't received any notification from Toys Era.
Head looks about how I expected. Body does look small, but that should be an easy fix assuming you can disassemble the armor and clothing easily. But the helmet size would be a pretty major issue that you can't do much about. Hopefully it will look better in subsequent pics. Helmet fit nice and snug on the prototype.



Maybe heating and reshaping the helmet could help some. . .
Ouch, utter fail on that helmet and the size of his head. Usually things get better after the prototype, this appears to have gotten worse. Very hesitant to pay the remainder now..
I'd bet they had to increase the helmet size a bit and decrease head size so it could easily be put on without damage to the paint durning mass production. Having a master artist do it on one prototype is different then 10 seperate people who are paid labor do it over and over.
Found on FB

Someone tried to fix the helmet issue, putting the lower part inside the collar.

Looks better, but still need fix.
