That clip that Tomandshell provided was shown near the Transformers semi last year @ comicon. Release was a few years out at that time, so maybe a year or so left? I am sure there will be info at comicon. As far as Beast Wars and to a lesser extent Bears Machines, for me, THAT is the definitive Transformers! I watched the original series, and did appreciate the concept, but there was no real story, just disassociated vignettes. From the start, the writers for Beast Wars had a vision, which fortunately, they were allowed to complete. I did not care for Beast Machines as much, largely due to a different studio contracted to do the animation. Mainframe did a stupendous job on Beast Wars, and should have been the ones tapped to finnish the story, but the final two Beast Machines episodes certainly were worth the 5 year wait to complete the story started in Beast wars. I was in tears at the finale (and yes, I am 40 years old...)
I think most of the love for the old show is based on nostalgia. I know many would probably disagree with me about Beast Machines being the definitive Transformers show, but in my opinion, the CGI just fit better. If you watch the old show, the transformations were "clunky" at best. CGI really lent itself to the transformation process so much better, as well as adding a metalized look to the "machines". Pretty important if you ask me for a series based on transforming machines....And when was Megatron ever more menacing than as a DRAGON?!?!?!?!?
Good S#!T!
Flame retardant suit engaged......