Transplant Cured AIDS?

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:wave :)
What do you mean by this? I didn't think there was to be any difference between heterosexual marriages.

without getting into it too deep basically the churches don't want to be forced to perform gay marriages or have the right to perform civil marriages revoked.

If someone would just see that and right a law which doesn't threaten that I think they would find more support. :lecture

Anymore comments related to gay marriage will be sent to the pooper. :D
Really though, saying people won't support stem cell research because it may cure AIDS is ludicrous and a wee bit egocentric - as if AIDS were the only disease which showed potential for cures through stem cell research.
Really though, saying people won't support stem cell research because it may cure AIDS is ludicrous and a wee bit egocentric - as if AIDS were the only disease which showed potential for cures through stem cell research.

You will get a lot of extreme religious group who think like this. I love researching this stuff, and the ideas that they come up with are unbelievable.

They are against stem cell research as it is. So if it was used to help cure a ‘gay’ disease, that god used to smite the wicked. That would add more fuel to their fire.

I know gay marriage is off topic here, but you only have to look at their reasons for opposing it to see thier out their ideas.
Pretty sure if God created a disease he didn't want cracked he could come up with something. :lecture
without getting into it too deep basically the churches don't want to be forced to perform gay marriages or have the right to perform civil marriages revoked.

If someone would just see that and right a law which doesn't threaten that I think they would find more support. :lecture

Anymore comments related to gay marriage will be sent to the pooper. :D

I think churches have the right to refuse to marry anyone. Maybe it depends on the state.
I think churches have the right to refuse to marry anyone. Maybe it depends on the state.

They do, but if a group that has protected status under either a SCOTUS ruling or Congressional legislation broaches the issue, the feds can easily demand that a church offer gay marriages, or else revoke that church's tax exempt status.

It is very similar to the way the feds try to dictate to private universities that they must offer certain curricula, if the school accepts any federal funds. That is why some schools (such as BYU) decline to accept such funds.
wish they could find that sure fire cure for the big C now. AIDS can be prevented easily enough through education. But cancer will creep up on you when you're not looking no matter what you do.

not always , think of poor Kevin Peter Hall ( the man who played the predator in 1 & 2 ).

Taken straight from Wik.

During surgery for his critical wounds, he received a blood transfusion that was contaminated with HIV. Soon after his transfusion, the HIV developed into AIDS and he went public with his illness with the full support of his wife.
On April 10, 1991, Hall met an untimely death from AIDS. He was 35 years old.

Although I guess you could say it was the docs who were treating him who needed the education this time. :rolleyes:
They kill not?

Im sorry, but there people like "that", really do make me want to lash out in anger. Seriously.

you are confusing/combining everyone who is a Christian into the radical Christian grouping. simply not true....the majority of people in the country have some sort of faith.