Trevor Grove's Firefly Sculpts

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Something to tide you guys over until I finish Simon. Alternate Summer Glau .This is going to be available in January with an alternate endoskeleton damage version too for Terminator fans.

Simon is progressing...I'm still trying to have the sculpt ready before January. :)

Merry Christmas all!




Man, I wish I could sculpt. What an inspiration! It's just miraculous that you can do that.

The wind swept look is a nice change of pace. That with a little endo showing is going to be sick!
Thanks all! It's been fun to tweak her. Summer is not an easy girl to capture at all, I could tweak and tweak and tweak and never be satisfied I think. :)

Ron- ha! well, this is River after stepping out of the icebox. :D

Nathan- Can't wait to see your paintwork on her!! Thanks man,

Now hopefully by New Years we'll have a gorram DOCTOR!
Windswept - wasn't expecting that, but I kinda like it. Does make it easier to move her head on the body though. Sort of reminds me of this:


I can't wait to see the endoskeleton BD version!!

Thanks, Trev!
Thanks again folks!

Texlander- Yeah, I wanted to give her head mobility, since the solid hair completely obstructs that. I'll probably be making some adjustments though, as there are things I don't like. Once she's ready and molded I can do the Terminator damage version. :)

Thanks again folks! Once I tweak her ever so slightly, I think I'll finally be happy with it. :)

Dr. Tam is coming together well now... It's a Christmas miracle! (well, it won't be done until next week, but I'm FINALLY feeling it)

A Merry Chrismahanukwanzikaa everyone!