And yet if they didn't squeeze an originally unintend series in, the Tron franchise may have died with Legacy. Kosinski may never have considered any sort of Legacy prequel series knowing what a chance they were taking with a sequel to movie made 30 years prior. Had he had an inkling of Legacy's sucess, he might have planned differently. Of course, with any franchise there will always be the "what might have beens". We also have to keep in mind the target audience is still kids and that will affect the direction of show whether we like it or not.

If Uprising is successful, I think the big danger is Disney pushing it to go on longer than it should which will ruin most any chance Uprising has to fit into canon. I think as long as they try to align it as best they can I'll be happy. Look, I'm just glad Tron gets some screen time! As far as the damage he's sustained and how he's remained hidden from Clu I'm trying to withhold judgement at the moment.
I do understand your annoyance though. I'm into Doctor Who and at times the whole "canon" issue there can be really irritating (which is probably why Tron's issue don't bother me... yet. lol)
Oh, and I'm a miss, btw.