Or they'd cry about how their government was so inept as to waste it's time harassing Americans instead of actually doing what it takes to identify and eliminate terrorists.
The only reason they use this half-wit method, employing half-wit employees, to placate half-wit sheep is because they refuse to deal with the problem. Classic bureaucratic waste of time, money and space.
See now, here you just did what you're complaining about them not doing. You took a select group of people, being the TSA, and made an outright prejudice statement against them. All because of the search protocol put in place by the big wigs, and when they're made to follow them (no matter how ridiculous they may seem, and whether they agree with them or not) then it's the ones working the floor at the airports are inept, and half-retarded people that couldn't get employed any where else, and the losers no one talked to in school and so on and so on.
In today's struggling economy, maybe that poor woman searched long and hard before finding that job, and can't afford to lose it, because she has a family that depends on that pay check. Now she's being made to search a 6-year old little girl, but she dare not challenge it for fear of losing her job. So now people on this forum, as well as thousands of others around the world and on the video posted on youtube, are making that poor woman out to be some monster she isn't.
And we all know the vast majority of people who commit theses acts of terror, not just in the US but around the world, are of Middle Eastern descent. So should they only be searching people that look like they're from the Middle East? No. That is a direct violation of everything this country is supposed to stand for. Not to mention a lot of them are some American Citizens that you claim are being harrassed.
Maybe the ones calling the employees of the TSA inept, half wits, losers, child molesters and such, maybe they're all of that and are trying to turn the attention away from themselves. Look at the video, that girl was not visibly upset, the female agent handled herself very professionally and I was able to count the people surronding the "scene of the incident" and protesting it and complaining about it on one hand, and still had five fingers left over. But the poor grieving parents who are welled dressed and educated, and are symbols of how great this country is, are saying how traumatized their poor picture-perfect little blonde haired princess is by this whole travisty.
I have a 6-year old little blonde haired girl. Search her before I get on a plane, it's no big deal. I love my daughter and know her well enough that if I make a joke of the situation she'll think it was fun. Just tell her something stupid like "they're just making sure you're not sneaking any smurfs or fraggles on the plane, because they're supposed to buy their own tickets." She'd laugh hysterically over it. I'm not the slimey type to record it and place it on the internet, and then make her feel traumatized over the whole thing, so I can go on Good Morning America and have some spotlight on me while I boo-hoo about it. Kids that age are fragile and easily manipulated into feeling that way.
Viva la TSA!!!