Judging by the detail, this piece should be AT LEAST twice with size(26"+) of the JP dio. And the T-Rex is even fully extending its body! Can't wait to see an awesomely done Triceratops and base!
Top this SS!
Looks to me like the T.rex in the SS dio is pivoting, body facing forward and craning its head and neck backwards... perhaps for a better bite? The oxmox T.rex is quite good, but I like the SS likeness much better, thus far, at least in terms of the skull itself.
What I would love to see? The body of a dead juvenile Triceratops with the parent stalwartly defending it. In terms of gore? Well, the T.rex already has a bloody maw; how about something on par with this.
<a href="https://s245.photobucket.com/albums/gg73/greatemperorjeff/?action=view¤t=Trexeating.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="https://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg73/greatemperorjeff/Trexeating.jpg" border="0" alt="T.rex Eating"></a>
I know, wishful thinking, but if we see some true violence in these, I'll know SS is willing to push the envelope, and the line will be perhaps the best paleocollectible line to date. SS will have instilled the confidence in me, as well as in other collectors, and I shall pass the word on to my dino-junkie friends.
I would also settle for a mortally wounded Triceratops that is still rigorously trying to ward off/ kill its attacker. Either would work nicely for me.
Who am I kidding... I think I'm going to be happy with this piece now regardless, based on the teaser.
Now that it seems this line has instilled confidence in collectors, here are some things I would like to see: Deinonychus pack attacking Edmontosaurus; Allosaurus VS Stegosaurus; perhaps some water dios featuring pliosaurs or mosasaurs... or a Megalodon attacking a whale pod... that would be just swell; also anything else with a Utahraptor or T.rex. I'm going to lose a great deal of money on this line. I have to start selling more on evilbay ASAP. Have to say, I was reticent, but now I'm extremely excited for this line, knowing they call pull off sterling likenesses.