I doubt there will be a war anytime soon. Looking at it from a International Relations and National Security graduate point of view, Before NK ever do something as drastic as firing a nuclear missile to the US, China will severely spank KJU. China can't afford at this moment to get into an open conflict with the US. Yet they can't afford neither to have the US and its allies right at their doorsteps with occupation of the whole Korean peninsula.
Looking at it from a treaty and alliances point of view, if NK attacks the US, NATO is obligated to intervene military wise as specified by NATO charter Article 5.
But then we have SCO which acts as a counter for NATO and it is in equal manner binding its members to do a collective defense of any state under it.
Would China, Russia, European nations, former Soviet republics, Latin America and many other states risk an all out nuclear war?
I highly doubt it. This will end as another warn from NK volatile government that end up in empty words.
Possible scenarios are that the US is the one looking to instigate the situation with the missile defence system, but I believe that US true intentions for the radar are to track and stop any missile from China and Russia, as NK missile technology is weak and their WMD are a fraction of what all the powerhouse countries mentioned above possess. Which would push NK to react in a counter preventive measurement thinking the new defence system is aimed to attack them. To be honest, the South has been eager to end up NK ridiculous and hostile government. Having a democratic president who believes in diplomacy and thoughtful responses/actions, I doubt that we will engage in a war anytime soon. and if we do, I doubt we will use nuclear weapons, as they will definitely cause damage to the South and spread radiation to China as well. Unless they use smart precision nuclear missiles such as those Israel uses against Iranian and Syrian "nuclear plants", it would be counter productive if they want to prevent harm beyond NK.