(Sorry for the total off-topic post, but you guys sucked me in!!)
I don't see 'global warming' as a governmental issue, I see it as a HUMAN issue. It's something that we need to address as a species. If we don't realize what global changes that modern human life causes, even just ONE person, here are a couple National Geographic specials that spell it out scientifically:
Aftermath: Population Zero and
The Human Footprint (Note: They are NOT leftist. They make no judgement, just present the facts as they are.) Unfortunately, I don't see it being addressed unless it's legislated, thus making it a government issue on a global scale. I don't understand why it causes such anger among people!
We already know what happens when there is no legislature making it illegal to dump pollutants into rivers. The sad truth is that MOST (not all) big businesses only care about the bottom line, and the bottom line is that it's CHEAPER to dump it in the river. Chemically processed food is not the only reason 98% of us get cancer. It makes me cry and wonder how on earth I can consider bringing a baby into this world.
It's great to be optimistic and say, hey, let's leave it up to the people and private organizations, don't let government make decisions for us - I truly admire that and wish it worked. But history has proven time and again that that doesn't work, in these cases. (I'm not commenting on the free market or capitalism, only on social / environmental issues that cost money to implement - given the choice, many people would rather save their money than save the environment for the future, sadly.)
In another scenario, if there was no legislation making it illegal for buildings of a certain size to not have handicap accessibility, no builders would spend the extra amount of money to do make those alterations. Even such as it is, it totally sucks to be in a wheel chair. It sucks to even attempt to push a stroller around and around, trying to find a way up that isn't a staircase... I'm sure it sucks much more trying to open heavy bathroom doors - and go through them - while stuck in a wheel chair on your own, with bladder in need of relief.
We also have legislation going into place affecting our television channels and high-def digital signals. Why would it be so horrible to say all cars in every state have to be modified to be more environmentally friendly by the year ______? And all new cars being produced after that date must utilize the new energy type. We're gonna have to spend money to upgrade our televisions, which is not nearly as beneficial to the world as throwing less pollutants into the air. Oh yeah, I forgot - we LIKE our gas-guzzlers! Let's think of the now, not the later; who cares what the air quality is in 50 years? (Fact: many babies born in Los Angeles now have BLACK mucus for the first few weeks breathing the air here - healthy mucus is clear.)
Or, to start small, light bulbs. All light bulbs produced after the year ____ have to be the more energy-efficient type. What is so horrible about that? Yeah, they cost more initially, but I LOVE not having to change the light bulbs every few months, knowing that I'm also saving energy as well is just icing on the cake. Sadly, most people are still refusing to change, I think because they are put off by some of the 'blue glow' bulbs out there (solution: simply buy the ones with the lumens in the 'soft white' range, rather than the 'daylight' range - Energy Star has a wonderful guide:
CFL Light Guide)
Call me a tree hugger if you will, I will gladly accept that 'stigma'. I do love trees and the benefit that they provide - not just paper and cardboard, but shade, cleaner air, and beauty. I applaud the government's actions to keep certain lands free from destruction. Where would we be without the 'tree hugger' government decision to keep the National Parks / State Parks/ Forests sacred? I doubt any private organization could save them from destruction if not for the legislation. And I, for one, want my grandchildren to experience nature, not just miles and miles of concrete.
/environmental rant - back to regularly scheduled political bashing