Super Freak
who da hell "Vadim Finkelchtein"
I must of missed all those post...![]()
I agree. Never saw his posts.
who da hell "Vadim Finkelchtein"
I must of missed all those post...![]()
who da hell "Vadim Finkelchtein"
I must of missed all those post...![]()
I agree. Never saw his posts.
If you bet money on Sonnen winning then you will lose money like Nash did when he beat on Hardy to beat GSP.
I say BJ Penn, Tito Ortiz and Ricardo Arona are the biggest excuse makers when it comes to a loss because all 3 are "In the best shape" of their lives and "100% Healthy" going into a fight. But the minute they lose.. they have some kind of injury, illness, excuse. After the fact.
Do what every other fighter does, say "he (opponent) was the better fighter tonight". Plain and simple.
My point is this: None of these fighters suddenly come down with something hours before the fight. If they have an injury (serious or minor) or an illness, etc. they get it well before the fight. THAT'S the time to speak up about it so it won't come off as a cheap excuse as to why they lost (if they do).
It was known that Anderson Silva had surgery on both of his knees going into the Lutter fight (which Silva won). Rogan and Goldie even mentioned it during the fight. And that's because Silva and his camp came forth with that info BEFORE the fight. A lot of fighters have mentioned injuries, illness pre-fight. So even the announcers speak about it during the fight.
I say BJ Penn, Tito Ortiz and Ricardo Arona are the biggest excuse makers when it comes to a loss because all 3 are "In the best shape" of their lives and "100% Healthy" going into a fight. But the minute they lose.. they have some kind of injury, illness, excuse. After the fact.
Vadim Finkelchtein is the head of M-1 Global, that make believe company that owns Fedor.
Here's Vadim and Fedor:
If Penn were to win the fight against Edgar (like he should have without the retarded judging) and then was asked by the media "why did you look so sluggish and not like you did against Florian or Sanchez?". BJ then says that he was battling a sinus infection the whole time and on meds, etc..... Is that still considered an excuse?
lol WOW. Those pics are funny.
Yeah, to excuse his performance. And fighters do this as well. Tim Sylvia immediately comes to mind with all the excuses he came up with to explain decision wins. Which is why he'd get booed and why a lot of fans disliked him.
Watch his post-fight interview after Randy Couture raped him for 5 rounds and see how bad he gets booed when he mentions a legit back injury (that he had surgery on after that fight).
Granted, when you win and mention something like that it's not looked down upon like when you lose. But in both instances, it's still an excuse.
Thanks for the compliment.
The difference between Tito and Penn is Tito always fights like crap. Penn didn't look like himself. It could of been an injury/sickness or maybe lack of motivation fighting Edgar.
I hope he beats the mess out of Sonnen. I just dont find Sonnen exciting at all in the least.
Also gotta love BJ Penn for calling Fedor P4P No. 1, Dana won't like that one.
It's irrelevant. GSP and Anderson Silva have said the same thing in the past. No one cares because it's called being humble. In reality, everyone knows Fedor is #3 in that category.
well I think Fedor at 3 is a stretch, he doesnt ever even fight, and when he does, its against average guys or guys on the downfall.