Yeah cuz Fedor has been fighting some really dominant HW's lately. Right?

Let's see.. Tim Sylvia, yeah he was coming off a submission loss to Big Nog before fighting Fedor. Dominant!?
Oh and Arlovski was on a 5 fight win streak.. against ALL unranked fighters. Last RANKED fighter he fought was Sylvia and it resulted in back-to-back losses. Dominant!?
Who else? Brett Rogers.. one Top Ten Win: Arlovski. Before that, ALL unranked cans. Dominant!?

After his embarassing KO loss to JDS he fought 2 unranked HW's. Now he's fighting Fedor. Dominant!?
Not to mention all the other cans Fedor has fought like Choi, Lindland, Hunt, Zulu, etc. NONE of them were "Dominant HW's" in MMA. But he had no problems fighting them. Bottomline, Fedor will toil away in Strikefarce fighting low to un-ranked HW's while all the top ranked HW's continue to fight each other in the UFC. And of course, when two fighters meet ONE has to lose. And those losses will fuel the "See, he's not worthy he just lost to so-and-so" excuses that Fedor, M-1 and Fedor fans will use to justify him NOT fighting in the UFC. It's a joke.
I still crack up at people who actually believe Fedor's decision to fight in Bodog, Afflicition and Strikeforce as opposed to the UFC was "great". hahahahahaha. Utter denial and complete dellusion.
I'm sure it'll be a cluster____.
Yeah.. he's still #2 LHW in the world. How is that something to be ashamed of!?